
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Gate of Heaven.

THE GATE OF HEAVEN   By Aston Adam. From Peniel Ngonde   FB page for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Edited by Elia Vesikula and Angeline Prasad. Beloved, Many of   Gods children will stand before the gate of heaven when they die. But they are not going directly to the place of torment and they are not entering within the heavenly city gate. However, they will stand before the gate of heaven to receive Gods judgement. I was raptured in heaven and when I got before the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I saw the dead in Christ singing songs of worship. They were in the queue before the ancient gate of the Holy City. I saw that the gate was opened to some of these saints and they were admitted into the eternal kingdom ,however,some of these saints were turned down despite the fact that they have reached the gate of heaven. When I joined one of the 12 gates of heaven, I found myself in the queue of Gods people. Immediately the LORD told me, “Pay close attention to what will ha

Lock down of Churches and Covid 19.

                                    Lockdown of Churches in Covid 19                                                       By Elia Vesikula This is an introduction to a piece written by Jack Simpson a renown former Fiji Pastor     who now resides in Australia and continues to spread Gods Word. He was probably one of the first few pastors that were Fijis first evangelists. Mr Simpson was a regular face in public streets in Suva preaching the uncompromising WORD with his gentle and humble persuasive style. His in-depth knowledge of the bible and his preaching turn many to the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr Simpson now runs a successful Prison Ministry in Australia and in the Pacific. He is known for his deep knowledge of the Old and New Testament and especially the book of Revelation. His Ministry the WORD ONLY can be accessed through his regular FB posting. I asked Mr Simpson the question, why God allowed the churches to shut down during the COVID 19 crisis as the churches were centers o

Word of Hope

                       WORD OF HOPE                                                By Elia Vesikula                                                         25/5/20 Fiji Airways terminates contracts of 758 employees, let’s go of all expat pilots and some expat managers, and implements 20% pay cut. (Fiji Village) The above headline has a devastating effect on employees of Fiji Airways and we pray for them. Also it will have big effect in the nations economy. Here is some consolation from the words of the bible. Romans 8:28 Those who love God, have his aid and help and interest in everything. All things are fitting in to the fulfillment of HIS design resulting in good for those HE has called for his purpose. He will even use tough, hard times to bring about good in your life. We know that God is always at work for good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his plan and purpose. For those who love God and keep on loving him. God causes all things con

The Gate of Heaven

                                       THE GATE OF HEAVEN   By Aston Adam. From Peniel Ngonde   FB page for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Beloved, Many of   Gods children will stand before the gate of heaven when they die. But they are not going directly to the place of torment and they are not entering within the heavenly city gate. However, they will stand before the gate of heaven to receive Gods judgement. I was raptured in heaven and when I got before the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I saw the dead in Christ singing songs of worship. They were in the queue before the ancient gate of the Holy City. I saw that the gate was opened to some of these saints and they were admitted into the eternal kingdom ,however,some of these saints were turned down despite the fact that they have reached the gate of heaven. When I joined one of the 12 gates of heaven, I found myself in the queue of Gods people. Immediately the LORD told me, “Pay close attention to what will happen here”.

Gods love and purpose

Gods love for you Jeremiah 31:3. I have loved you with an everlasting love. My love for you is an everlasting love that will last forever. I have clearly loved you from of old. I have always loved you. I have never quit loving you. That is why I have been so patient and kind. You are precious to me. In grace have I called you. With mercy and compassion, I have drawn you and made you come to me. I maintain my faithful love and my unfailing care for you and I will continue to show you my faithfulness and loving kindness. I love you and draw you gently home. Expect love, more love and still more love. By Margaret Ruth Baker: A long love letter. Purpose in Life Blessed weekend beloved of God. Yes my chosen one. I have chosen you long a go to write and deliver my love letter to my beloved Bride. You were chosen for a purpose and I have set you apart for my plan. I have given your life purpose and meaning for my purpose. Out of the whole earth I have chosen you. Rejoice and be ex

The Days of darkness and an exodus from the West

                                                    DAYS OF DARKNESS                        BY MARIE NUMBA. A POST BY PENIEL NGONFE. We have pot this up as a warning for all of us. Please accept the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and REPENT NOW. DAYS OF DARKNESS AND THE EXODUS FROM THE WEST ,marie bumba, Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,Cruel, with fury and burning anger,To make the land a desolation;And He will exterminate its sinners from it.For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not flash forth their light,The sun will be dark when it rises And the moon will not shed its light,Thus I will punish the world for its evil And the wicked for their iniquity, I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud And abase the haughtiness of the ruthless, hello God children, it is maria a servant of God ,i am nobody ,i am the least of all ,i have come to share with you the goodness of God ,i want to share a message that i have received from the lord in 2010, but the

An invitation to the Wedding supper of the lamb

                                     Invitation to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Hallelujah friends. "Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you:show me the way I should go". P:143:8 Shot 1. Statue of Elijah the prophet at Mt Caramel. Fijian on top of Mt Caramel. Valley of Armageddon in the background. Valley of Armageddon upcoming battle field of Armageddon. Master Mika Mudreilagi preparing enactment of the  Last Supper in the pass over room where the Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples had their famous Passover meal. We invite you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart and join the Lord Jesus Christ in the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. God bless to you and your family. Statue of the Prophet Ilijah in Mt Caramel in Israel The Valley of Amagedon: The designated battle field of the mother of all wars know as the Battle of Amageddon. Master Mika Mudreilagi reanacts the Last Supper in the Uppe

Calling upon Jesus in our urgent needs.

                                            Calling Upon Jesus in Our Urgent Need!”                                                                    May 1                                                   Week 6 - 100 Days of Prayer                                                              Angels All Around                                                             By Melony Coleman I must share an amazing experience that just happened recently. My husband is a pastor in the U.S. state of Oregon and it was opening night of our evangelistic series, “Revelation of Hope.” I have been encouraging more prayer in our church, so I decided that I would oversee the prayer room during the series. My team consists of mostly homebound elderly friends or people praying from their homes, so I wasn’t sure how much participation I would have during the meetings. I decided to create a prayer room anyway, hoping that some church members would be willing to come in and pray periodically during

God is real

                                  GOD IS REAL                                    By Elia Vesikula God is real. In 2018. I had a vision of my oldest grandson leading a toddler dressed in a black and white three piece suit with a black tuxedo and matching   black bow tie and   black shoes. The toddler looked three years old. My eldest grandson led him over to where I was lying on my sick bed for over a year. My eldest grandson told the toddler, Come and meet your tutu (grandson), He was handsome with shiny black hair and looked beautiful in his suite. The vision made me determined to fight my illness so I could see him in person. You may have had similar vision and we thank the Lord for showing us the future. I called my daughter and asked if she was expecting a baby. I got a definite no no. I told her I have met your new son and explained the vision. Then, it was just a story. Lezina ;ppls at King David lovingly at Lautoka hospital. But a year later my daughter told us in