The Gate of Heaven.

THE GATE OF HEAVEN By Aston Adam. From Peniel Ngonde FB page for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Edited by Elia Vesikula and Angeline Prasad. Beloved, Many of Gods children will stand before the gate of heaven when they die. But they are not going directly to the place of torment and they are not entering within the heavenly city gate. However, they will stand before the gate of heaven to receive Gods judgement. I was raptured in heaven and when I got before the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I saw the dead in Christ singing songs of worship. They were in the queue before the ancient gate of the Holy City. I saw that the gate was opened to some of these saints and they were admitted into the eternal kingdom ,however,some of these saints were turned down despite the fact that they have reached the gate of heaven. When I joined one of the 12 gates of heaven, I found myself in the queue of Gods people. Immediately the LORD told me, “Pay close attention t...