Word of Hope

                       WORD OF HOPE
                                              By Elia Vesikula
Fiji Airways terminates contracts of 758 employees, let’s go of all expat pilots and some expat managers, and implements 20% pay cut. (Fiji Village)
The above headline has a devastating effect on employees of Fiji Airways and we pray for them. Also it will have big effect in the nations economy. Here is some consolation from the words of the bible.
Romans 8:28
Those who love God, have his aid and help and interest in everything. All things are fitting in to the fulfillment of HIS design resulting in good for those HE has called for his purpose. He will even use tough, hard times to bring about good in your life. We know that God is always at work for good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his plan and purpose. For those who love God and keep on loving him. God causes all things continually, everything that happens, to fit together in to a pattern, for their good, for those called according to his purpose.  God bless everyone.


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