The Days of darkness and an exodus from the West

                                                    DAYS OF DARKNESS
                       BY MARIE NUMBA. A POST BY PENIEL NGONFE.
We have pot this up as a warning for all of us. Please accept the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and REPENT NOW.

Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,Cruel, with fury and burning anger,To make the land a desolation;And He will exterminate its sinners from it.For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not flash forth their light,The sun will be dark when it rises And the moon will not shed its light,Thus I will punish the world for its evil And the wicked for their iniquity, I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud And abase the haughtiness of the ruthless,
hello God children, it is maria a servant of God ,i am nobody ,i am the least of all ,i have come to share with you the goodness of God ,i want to share a message that i have received from the lord in 2010, but the lord convinced me to share it now ,that is why i have come to share with you ,i wish to say a word of prayer to the lord, thank you father of glory the almighty and father of heaven, i give you thanks, i recommend this moment in your hand and may you speak to us your children ,may you open our understanding, i glorify you God the father the son and the holy spirit, may the glory ,honour and praise go to you and may you open the eyes and heart of your children so that they may get your message amen,God children ,i have come to share a message i got from the lord in 2010 about the darkness that is to cover the earth,i was watching the flood that had happen in the UK and the world in 2010,in my spirit i saw darkness over the earth, i could not understand the meaning of this ,when i came back to myself i heard the spirit of God telling me to buy candles and matches ,that i have to keep at home in reserve ,immediately i went to buy these 10 candles and matches that you see here , that i bought since that vision in 2010 according to the instruction of the spirit of God ,i have come to share this message today because in January of this year 2020 the spirit of God asked me to buy lamp, and i went to buy these lamp called lantern lamp,i have bought 6 of them ,these lamp called lantern function with batteries ,in total i have six candles and six lantern light ,why am i sharing this message today ,its because since yesterday i was restless in my spirit ,my heart kept telling me to share this message about the darkness that is to cover the earth, when i saw this in a vision it happen fast ,the lord always transport my spirit out of my body to show me these things ,and it happen fast and this does not happen according to my will, it is the lord who separate my spirit from my body and he show me things and then return me ,when the lord transported me in the spirit he took me to the earth that was covered by darkness ,brother i feel in my spirit what i saw is about to happen and it is happening soon,the lord did not give a date or year when this will happen, i am only saying what i saw ,i am telling God children to buy candle and light for the darkness that is to come ,brother and sister,one day and very soon we will wake up in total darkness ,there shall be no light ,no electricity and the sun will not shine nor the moon, there will be total darkness,we shall not know no the difference between day and night for darkness will cover the whole earth,it is thanks to the clock that we will know the day and time for there shall be no day and night but total darkness ,it will not be easy to even know the date unless we had in in our mind, they wont be a morning for darkness will cover the entire planet and all the continent ,the lord showed me that in those days we have to make sure that we have available curtain that are not transparent ,we must avoid curtain that let the light penetrate ,the lord show me that we must have curtain that heavy and that stop the light of outside from entering the house , for the lord said that darkness that is coming will be strong, and it shall pierce many curtain especially transparent curtain ,we got to make sure that our windows ,doors and houses are being covered with heavy curtain ,for the lord said we should avoid eye contact with the darkness of outside until the arrival of the light ,for after those days of darkness the sun will rise ,but before that not even the stars of heaven will shine,and the lord said we must make sure that we have big bottle of water in provision at home before those days arrived ,this is what i saw on that day,i have many testimony but i come out to testify when the lord ask me to do so,and he know why he has asked me to do it now ,you can see these lamps i bought since 2010 when i got this message, i wan to tell those who are in Africa to have their oil ,lamp and coal with them,i dont know how long these days will last, the lord actually said when these days come tell my children not to open their doors to anyone ,when their acquaintance come to knock they should not open,even if they were extended family member, for the lord said when darkness cover the earth unclean spirit will be walking the street of the earth in the dark ,demons will be knocking people doors and they shall copy the voices of people we know so that we can open but the instruction of the lord is clear ,do not open to whosoever come to knock on your doors, for demons will be walking the street in that darkness copying the voices of people we know ,and they would be knocking,let us have wisdom and let us be led by the spirit ,please when darkness come avoid eyes contact with this darkness ,and if you have a room in your house that does not have a windows make sure that you stay in that room that has no windows and no opening ,i also want to tell you ,on top of candles and light you should always have some bag of biscuit in the house because we dont know when these days are coming ,amen God children i just share what the lord your father gave me ,but i dont know if this things are in the bible ,never the less the lord is still speaking ,the bible is the word of our father but the lord is speaking even today ,because he is the word he is majestic ,i dont know if these things are written may be they are ,however since the lord is still speaking ,i have to speak for in every generation the lord raised his children with a message ,and when the lord speak it come to pass,i am a watchman sounding the alarm among the people of God,let us be wise, let those who have ears hear the voice of the spirit,i think in the past i posted a video of catastrophe,calamity and cataclysm that will strike the European continent and causes great damage or loss of life , i also did another video about the meeting of global elite happening in the catholic church the vatican ,this gathering was about evil and plot against the world ,now i want to warn my brothers from congo that are living in the western world ,you know that i made a video where i saw that i was leaving africa which was in peace and fine ,but when i got to europe i found that the whole continent was devastated and in collapse because of a cataclysm ,there was calamity ,you people of congo in the diaspora and Europe you must begin to think about going back to africa ,you must prepare yourself because i have already warn you about the impending calamity that is to hit the european continent, i know you have been buying houses in europe but i am here to tell you disaster will hit this continent, i am telling you to buy land and house in Congo and prepare yourself to go back to africa ,i am talking to you like this because great disasters and tragedy are on the way ,the lord is talking to many of his children warning them ,we people from Congo are going to africa from now on and this is a prophetic declaration and warning that is coming to pass from now ,prepare for return to Africa ,this is the world of the lord ,and i want to tell my people to begin to keep your money at home you must always have cash ,you cannot imagine disasters that are on the way ,i say people are going back to Africa on foot and in cars ,going from England to France to Spain and crossing the Mediterranean ,you remember i deliver a prophetic message, where the lord showed me African and immigrant that were being returned to Africa and their country ,in the aftermath of a great disaster that had hit mainland europe ,i am talking about this vision because when great disaster will hit the western world and what will follow is that the population will be force to receive mandatory device that will be the mark of the beast ,since many African will refuse the mark which is the seal of the Antichrist they will be deported back to africa,thats why i am telling you to have cash ready ,many will be force to receive the mark in the work place and when they refuse they will not be given the opportunity to go back home to get their good or money ,they will be return like that ,i talk to you about the meeting in the Vatican where the elite of the world were plotting against humanity the evil that they will set in motion, Congolese hearing this message get ready to go back to Africa for these elite and the Vatican are preparing mandatory device, and we are going back to africa ,so find yourself a land and buy a house there for we shall flee this land ,we came to learn and improve life in the west but we are going back, the key word that the lord said was exodus ,there is coming a massive exodus from the west ,people please fill your lamp with oil not just physical lamp but spiritual lamp as well ,let us feed our spirit with the word of God so that our lamp will be on ,for evil days are ahead and we shall see what we have never seen before, we are living in the time of psalm 91 ,the bridegroom is coming let us light our lamp, prepare to meet the lord ,lets repair and repent let make chain of prayer, it is time to forgive one another for days are evil ,we cannot continue to hold anger ,conflict and rancour in our heart against brother and sister and family member ,Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord,the lord came for sinners and die on the cross, let put aside unforgiveness and let bring our loads to the lord ,this is the time to learn to pray individually at home in the closet ,we shall not always depend on pastors ,therefore let pray at home and build prayer life at home, let seek intimacy and closeness with the holy spirit ,through prayer ,the lord really want to get closer to us he want to rule in us and use us, ,beloved we dont want to be distracted by the passing world ,we should not be moved by the good of this world and the attraction and pleasure of this passing world ,for everything will be destroyed nothing will be left standing ,this is the time of repentance and purification for the bride is on the way, let us renounce sins that are persistent in our hearts so that he can fill us completely with his presence ,be blesses beloved i think thats all i had,


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