
Showing posts from July, 2021

I am seated as a person among you.

Iam seated as a person among you. The Almighty God, God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Presence and Protection. This story is about God Almighty’s presence and protection and blessings in my family which I pray that it will inspire you to be in Gods presence always. It is also a message to assure us of Gods power and protection, to strengthen us, to inspire our spirit through and by the Holy Spirit. There are many verses in the bible that God assures us of his protection. One of those is in Psalm 91:1. Psalm 91:1 “Those who abide in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty”. The bible verse from Psalm 91:1 promises and assures us of Gods protection, if we abide with him, God the Almighty. I have written this story in both Fijian and English so I can impart some of the new revelation of God revealed to us in Fijian. I will translate the words into English. This message is the message I deliver in our Saturday service in Suva, Fiji. “E da vakavinavi

The Joy of the Lord

1.Topic: Joy of the Lord. By Elia Vesikula 2.Under this topic of Joy we would like to learn nore about the joy of the Lord. Final Testament. 3.MESSAGE 2 Final Testament 4.“Love and joy is the armor of the holiness of GOD”. 5.A meditation on Ezra's statement, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). 6.What does it mean to have the joy of the Lord? 7.Having joy includes feeling good cheer and a vibrant happiness. But joy, in its fuller, spiritual meaning of expressing God's goodness, involves more. It is a deep-rooted, inspired happiness. The Holy Bible says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10).Aug 5, 1998 8.Nehemiah 8:10 NIV "Do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength." 9.What does the Bible say about the joy of the Lord? 10.“Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but j

A call to the churches.

A call to the churches By Elia Vesikula 3.7.21 I have been fasting in June and July 2021. I had a disturbing dream one night. I saw one of the leading Pastor of a big congregation in Fiji standing in front of his church and he appeared drunk from alcohol. It was as if he had some kava also, He was staggering a little. The impression I got is that something was wrong with the church and with the Pastor. I a woke. The Lord impressed upon me that the church is drunk but not from the HOLY SPIRIT and they are doing something that is wrong with God. I am praying to the Lord for the meaning of this dream. Recently in the media church leaders are coming out for solution to the crisis.. I thought this may be the message in the dream that church are drunk with some thing else and not the Holy Spirit. I will ask the Holy Spirit for more clarity. Praise the Lord Jesus. (Today on the 3rd of July, I am on to my 23rd day of fasting and praying in rags. 1.7.21 As I lay asleep in my room in Natokawaq

God will fight for you.

God will fight for you. Psalm 91 By Elia Vesikula 1.He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2.I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.Let me first contextualize. Prior to the first lockdown, I was fasting and praying about the virus. I wanted to know from God what was the pandemic about. The Lord says read Psalm 21 for the cure. Read Isaiah 24 to know what is happening. He also showed me the poverty that will hit Fiji. I took to the streets with some friends of ours and started feeding street dwellers the worst of the vulnerable. I thank those friends who support Gods work and they know who they are. Last week we were on the streets in Lautoka again serving food and telling them about the Lord and for them to give their lives to the Lord Jesus. On one of those evening as we distributed bread and lay hands on some of my friends on the streets, my grandson was shown a vision. He tol