A call to the churches.

A call to the churches By Elia Vesikula 3.7.21 I have been fasting in June and July 2021. I had a disturbing dream one night. I saw one of the leading Pastor of a big congregation in Fiji standing in front of his church and he appeared drunk from alcohol. It was as if he had some kava also, He was staggering a little. The impression I got is that something was wrong with the church and with the Pastor. I a woke. The Lord impressed upon me that the church is drunk but not from the HOLY SPIRIT and they are doing something that is wrong with God. I am praying to the Lord for the meaning of this dream.
Recently in the media church leaders are coming out for solution to the crisis.. I thought this may be the message in the dream that church are drunk with some thing else and not the Holy Spirit. I will ask the Holy Spirit for more clarity. Praise the Lord Jesus. (Today on the 3rd of July, I am on to my 23rd day of fasting and praying in rags. 1.7.21
As I lay asleep in my room in Natokawaqa, I had a dream again of the three heavenly beings (man) appearing. As usual one will be talking and the other two will be listening. They came to where I was. They were dressed in shining white long pants and white shirt and white military boots with their white caps tucked between their arms and body like military leaders hold their caps. Each have a stick that look like a military baton in their hand. They were dressed like powerful high military leaders. They were dressed in white and military white boots. The leaders was talking but I am not able to interpret what he said. The other two were listening and after a while they walked away. I always see this three all the time and they would dress differently all the time. I would ask the Holy Spirit to tell me who they are. Let us trust God completely and seek his divine intervention. Praise the Lord. I am continuing my fast and prayer and seek the glory of the Lord.


  1. Thank you for your obedience and sacrifice OB. I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal the full meaning of your dream soon. Praise God for your faithfulness.


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