I am seated as a person among you.

Iam seated as a person among you. The Almighty God, God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Presence and Protection. This story is about God Almighty’s presence and protection and blessings in my family which I pray that it will inspire you to be in Gods presence always. It is also a message to assure us of Gods power and protection, to strengthen us, to inspire our spirit through and by the Holy Spirit. There are many verses in the bible that God assures us of his protection. One of those is in Psalm 91:1. Psalm 91:1 “Those who abide in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty”. The bible verse from Psalm 91:1 promises and assures us of Gods protection, if we abide with him, God the Almighty. I have written this story in both Fijian and English so I can impart some of the new revelation of God revealed to us in Fijian. I will translate the words into English. This message is the message I deliver in our Saturday service in Suva, Fiji. “E da vakavinavinaka taki ira na Kalou e na kena sovaraki na Sulifure me tolu na macawa vei Keimami”. The meaning of this Fijian sentence may sound strange. The English translation is below.
“We thank the “HOLY DAZZLING SULPHUR” when we were told that Sulphur will be poured out for three weeks in to our homes and work places”. Many times in the past during our worship services we were told by the anointed of God that God has poured “Sulphur” or “Sulifure” in Fijian will be poured in to our homes and places of work. This is a special gift of protection of God Almighty when he pours Sulphur in to the homes of anointed members of the church. What is this Sulphur. Sulfur is mentioned in the bible which was the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorah in the bible. (Insert bible verse) (Ask the Lord for a good explanation of the Sulphur) In early 2021 my family and I traveled weekly from Lautoka to Suva for a church service that I take part in. As usual on this particular Friday evening we were rushing through because of the night curfew at 11 pm due to the current Covid 19 virus lockdown implemented in Fiji in the beginning of 2021. On one of this Fridays we departed Lautoka at about 7:30 at night. When we passed Nadi town heavy rain fell, and the car wiper on the driver’s side broke and there was no wiper to wipe the raindrops from the wind shield. I was driving and I could not see the road in front of us. It was so hard to see the road in front of me because of the heavy down pour. In addition to the rain there was heavy traffic coming in and out of Lautoka and Nadi by those returning from work. It usually takes 4-5 hours for us to reach our destination in Suva, the capital of Fiji on the east side of Viti Levu island.
We drove slowly and kept praying. I had my wife and my five grandchildren in the car. We asked the Lord Jesus for the rain to stop and thanks to the Lord Jesus for answering our prayers. The heavy rain stopped. In some places along the way the rain fell again and we prayed all the time the rain fell for it to stop. I kept driving with my eldest grandson Neumi Waqa in the front passenger seat with me telling me and guiding me while I was driving so I do not hit an oncoming vehicle or crash the car on the road side. My other grandchildren of Ratu, Lezina, Rebecca, Vilavi and my wife kept singing gospel songs along the way. We were determined to reach Suva for church service next morning. It was a frightening experience at times. I was driving in heavy rain and it had become dark at night. I drove slowly letting other cars to pass ours. Many drivers were tooting loud horns in frustration of our slow pace. But we kept on meandering our way through the highway on our way to Suva. At times I would stop, as my grandson would warn me that I have veered over to the right the side of the road of oncoming cars or that I have veered to the left side off the road. My grandchildren would tell me to drive to the right or to the left when I could not see my way. I had to rely on what they see and say as I could not see the way in front of me. In some places we could see the rain just in front of us but it has dried up in the part of the road we were driving on. It seems that rain was moving ahead of us. We were witnessing a miracle of God stopping the rain in front of us along the way. We arrived in Suva very late that night well after 11pm curfew time. This was another issue as we may not be allowed to reach our destination in Suva as the police could stop us because of the curfew time. When we reached Pacific Harbour we reported to the police station and explained to them about our reason of being late for the curfew time.. They asked us to call the Suva Police Station to explain. We did call the Suva Police Head Quarters in Totogo and we were allowed to travel on to Deuba and I eventually I drove over to Suva to prepare my message for the Saturday church service. We glorify THE MOST HOLY ONE for their protection as we drove through that night. Our experiece assured us that God was always with us and offers his ever present help in times of our trouble when we call to him, THE HOLY DAZZLING SULPHUR.
Sometimes in life we are not sure of where we are going, we cant see our way, but Gods word is always there for us to trust in. He is already in our tomorrow, in our future and knows what is happening in our lives. That night it was what my grand children saw and their words and Gods protection that guided me while I was driving. It is very important that we trust Gods words in the bible and also when he speaks to us through our minds. We must learn to listen and trust Gods words. When we returned to Lautoka in the western part of Fiji that weekend after our church service in Suva we had another accident. When we were driving down the Matanipusi Hill in Serua our car slid across the slippery slope road because of heavy rain. Our car slipped across to the left of the road and went off the road. The car only stopped when it hit the railings on the side of the road. I stepped on the brakes, but the car kept sliding until it hit the railings on the side of the road. The left side of the car was slightly damaged. No one in the car was hurt. We prayed and praised and thank the Lord for saving us protecting us again. It could have been a fatal accident if there was no railing there. Our car would have tumbled down the Matanipusi garley. We thank THE HEAVENLY ONE, GOD JESUS CHRIST and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT for their protection. My third accident was when my wife and I were returning from Suva to Lautoka one night after a Saturday church service. It was a dark night. When we came near Korovisilou we saw cows walking in the middle and the side of the road. I tried to avoid bumping the cows on the side of the road but did not realize that the cows in the middle hit the right side of my car, breaking the side rear vision mirror shattering the glass on us. My wife was in the passenger seat in front and the glasses hit her also. Some of the glasses also hit the back seats. I was already driving slowly and was thankful that had I not slowed down the impact of the accident could have been tragic. We thank the Lord for their protection and reminded of King Davids Psalms Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good: and his steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness to all generations. I remind us all to pray unceasingly, to continue to pray to the Lord at all times. When you pray continuously you will be given the Keys of King David. The key that opens and no one shutteth and shutteth and no one opens. The key is called the KEY OF KING DAVID, The PARADOXICAL EMBLEM 4.Na nodra ki na Tui ko Tevita. Na ka e ra sogota e sega e dolava rawa na ka e ra sogota e sega e dolava rawa. We thank the Lord for their protection when we pray, he hears us. We acknowledge his gifts for us that protects us all the time. He has given his anointed and us the Key of King David that whatever it opens no one can shut and what ever it closes no one can open. (Insert bible verse) While the world is waiting for the return of GOD JESUS CHRIST here is the most powerful and the latest move of God now and during these times which tells us that God Almighty is now seated as a person among us.
The Fijian translation says “Au sa dabe vakatamata e matamudou”. God Almighty is now with us and he has declared in the Fijian I taukei language, “Au sa dabe vakatamata e matamudou”. This can be translated in English as “I am seated physically in front of you”. These words means that God the MOST POWERFUL ONE is now physically present in Fiji with his anointed one. These words remind us of the might of God Almighty as he appeared to the Israelites in the Old Testament. (Insert Bible verse below) 5.On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightning and a thick cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people in the camp trembled. Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire. The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly.” 6.E na mataka ni ka tolu ni siga, e sa yaco na kurukuru ka tibi na liva ka ubia na ulunivanua na o vavaku ka rogo na kacobote ni biukila, ka ra sa rere ka sautanini na tamata kece ga. Ka sa qai kauti ira mai na tamta ko Mosese me ra mai sota kei na Kalou ka ra mai tucake tu e na ruku ni ulunivanua. E ologi tu na uluni vanua ko Sianiai e na e na kubou ni sa sobu na Kalou e na yameyame. E tubu cake na kubou ni yameyame ka yavavala na ulunivanua. We quote the scriptures above to show us how powerful and mighty God Almighty is. What I have written about the physical presence of God may be hard to believe. But it is not hard to believe if we think that God Jesus Christ was the physical presence of God Almighty in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. But now his physical presence is in Fiji.
Some times these words of God was hard to believe, but God urges us through his further urging. God urges us to believe his words that he is seated among us. These words are spoken in Fijian. “ Sa sega ni dodonu mo dou vakatitiqa niu sa dabe tiko kei kemudou” The words are as translated in English that “It is not right that we do not believe that he is seated with you” We doubt God many times although we have his reassuring words. Why is that? 8.Many people reach a place where their experience of God has outstripped their beliefs about God. When this happens, people can often have doubts. ... A person in such a situation can also feel as if God is absent, but this is only because they can no longer feel close to the kind of God they don't believe in any more.
9.The quickest way for you to enter and experience God's manifest presence is through praise. Praise lifts up the soul and ushers you into the presence of God. This activates your awareness of the Holy Spirit and increases angelic activity. 10.E vuqa na gauna e na noda lako vata kei na Kalou, kei na ka e ra cakava kei na ka e ra tukuna. sa sega ni yacova na nodaru vakabauta. Ni yaco na gauna oqo… e da sa dau vakatitiqa kina…. E da sa sega ni vakila na kalou…. ka da sa sega ni vakabauta. 11.Na sala totolo duadua mo rawa ni curuma tale kina nodra “presence” sai koya me da vakacaucautaki ira, (praise him). 12.Ni ko vakacerecerei ira, e na talave kina na yalomu. 12.Ni dau yaco na veigauna oqo, sa oti tale ga na noda vakila ni ra lako tiko vata kei keda na Kalou.


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