
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Lords Way

  ‘THE LORDS WAY’   My dearly beloved-Don’t look back to pain and sorrow and shame and suffering. What soever things are lovely-whatsoever things are of good report-whatsoever things are good and honorable-those things that are right and righteous-think on those things. Dwell on those things and you will have happy memories. You will enjoy looking back and you will be grateful for all MY (LORD JESUS) many blessings raining down upon you. You will see that you were protected and cherished and loved beyond words. I will show you the good the better and the best along the way. I will hold your hand and lead you back through your life and you will see that you were special. You were chosen and prepared for such a time as this. The day of preparation were necessary for this day.         "Pics: Grand children with Gods blessings                              Think about lovely things" I will see that you have my mind. My thoughts, my understanding, my wisdom in every situation

Morning dash with the Lord Jesus blessings.

                      Morning dash with Gods blessings. By Elia Vesikula A story showing that the Lord Jesus is always there in times of trouble to support his work in the Kingdom. On this particular morning at 3:30 am, I woke early in Lautoka to travel to Suva in a 4 hours early morning drive to deliver a message in church in Suva. It is also the time when curfew was still on in Fiji from 11pm - 4am because of Covid 19. As I packed my stuff, I thought of my fuel money which was not enough to take me to Suva as I had only $20 with a few loose change. Breakfast had to be skipped. I kissed my sleeping grandchildren, prayed and headed for Suva. My fuel was very low. I thought of fueling in Nadi as I forgot to fill up petrol in Lautoka overnight. As I sped through on that quiet morning there was hardly any car on the road as the morning curfew hours had just finished at 4am.

The rock

The Rock 1 st Corinthians 10:4. and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock is Christ…. During these challenging times of loss of employment and loss income let us stand strong with the rock the Lord Jesus Christ. The rock of all ages from the ancient of days. Be strong and be courageous do not give up hope in the Lord Jesus. He will deliver us. ISAIAH 41:10-13 I am your God. Fear not for I am with you. Don’t be intimidated or alarmed. Don’t look around in terror. Stop being watchful for I will support you. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties. I will embolden you. I will hold you with my saving right hand. I will uphold you and retain you with my vindicating victorious right hand of rightness and justice. I will hold you with a firm grip. Yes, I have helped you and I will help you again. I will make you strong and I will give you victory……God bless saints.  Photo of blogger Elia Vesikula picture