The Lords Way
‘THE LORDS WAY’ My dearly beloved-Don’t look back to pain and sorrow and shame and suffering. What soever things are lovely-whatsoever things are of good report-whatsoever things are good and honorable-those things that are right and righteous-think on those things. Dwell on those things and you will have happy memories. You will enjoy looking back and you will be grateful for all MY (LORD JESUS) many blessings raining down upon you. You will see that you were protected and cherished and loved beyond words. I will show you the good the better and the best along the way. I will hold your hand and lead you back through your life and you will see that you were special. You were chosen and prepared for such a time as this. The day of preparation were necessary for this day. "Pics: Grand children with Gods blessings Think about lovely things"...