The Lords Way



 My dearly beloved-Don’t look back to pain and sorrow and shame and suffering. What soever things are lovely-whatsoever things are of good report-whatsoever things are good and honorable-those things that are right and righteous-think on those things. Dwell on those things and you will have happy memories. You will enjoy looking back and you will be grateful for all MY (LORD JESUS) many blessings raining down upon you. You will see that you were protected and cherished and loved beyond words. I will show you the good the better and the best along the way. I will hold your hand and lead you back through your life and you will see that you were special. You were chosen and prepared for such a time as this. The day of preparation were necessary for this day.


      "Pics: Grand children with Gods blessings                              Think about lovely things"

I will see that you have my mind. My thoughts, my understanding, my wisdom in every situation. Part of the perfect peace I have planned is a mind at rest. I promised a mind not grasping hold of ideas and trying to figure things out, not wondering about the multiple choices and struggling to find the right choice among the many. I promise a peaceful yielded mind-yielded to the master mind. I (Lord Jesus) will renew your mind. I will give you a mind that is truly at rest waiting for the wisdom of the ages and trusting in the perfect peace of perfect trust and faith.

'Tutu in VERSY MEDIA office in Suva: God aiding in decision making'

I will lift the burden of having to make the right decision and choices from you. In leading and guiding you constantly. I will always help you to make the right choice. You can relax, rest and receive, knowing that I have taken from you the striving and straining

Pics :"Tus birthday: Gods blessings Relax, Rest and Receive"

And all of the hard work. I have removed the heavy responsibility of weighing every situation. I have removed from you the labor of sifting through the facts and trying to figure it all out. And make the right decisions over large and small things, over any and all things, over any possible choice. You will know with blessed assurance, the right choice to choose. I will be right there in every situation, every part and parcel of your life saying “This is the way. Walk in it” The way of perfect peace is a mind at rest. A renewed mind is a gift of my love for you and my tender loving care.

Lord Jesus advice through Margaret Ruth Baker. Blessed days beloved.


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