
Showing posts from June, 2020

;"Freedom mourns tragedy": Joshua

                             “FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY’: JOSHUA                                                  By Elia Vesikula There was a young class 3 student who was brought to our home by his parents who were relatives of ours requesting that the young boy stays with us so we could help with his education. Sensing his need and an opportunity to give a helping hand to relatives we said yes gladly. His name is going to be withheld for later. The young boy stayed with us and we nurtured him well just like one of our own children. He went to church with us and learned from the teachings of the Holy Spirit in our church. He was responding well to school and was also obedie...

Joy returns to the hearts, churches and homes

                          Joy returns to the hearts, churches, and homes                                                    By Elia Vesikula Sunday worship has started in the churches and I know it would have brought the joy of the Lord to worshipers around Fiji. At one of the AOG Churches in Lautoka. it was evident in the joyous worship service and the smiles and laughter of the worshipers. The social distancing was followed in the seating arrangement in the church. The message in the church was about the man of God the Prophet Ilijah who was fed by the poor widow who was down to her last bag of flour and oil for her last meal. God blessed her when he fed the prophet and food never ran out in her home. The message by Lautoka Pastor Filikesa Koroivueta encouraged those in church to bel...

“Tell them about me now. I am here: The Lord Jesus Christ”.

                      “Tell them about me now. I am here: The Lord Jesus Christ”.                                                           By Elia Vesikula Here is a story I have talked about a lot and one of the visions that became a turning point in my life in pursuing God. This was in a dream that was shown to me while I was in Deuba in my wife's village in the village farm called Wainiteba.   It is located along Deuba road and about 2 miles by feeder gravel road from the main Kings Highway past Navua town. A little background to this story. I had been staying in my wifes’ village for a while. I had also joined a strong praying church group.   Our leaders were very passionate praying and loving people so as members of the group. I was impressed and was drawn in to th...

Pastors End Time Message.

Pastor shown the end time message THE LONGEST DREAMS OF MY LIFE ( PART 1) By MOSES LUSHIKU It was 10 pm when I was feeling sleepy and I went to the bed to sleep. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep immediately after laying on the bed. As I slept, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ. When I saw the Lord, he began to address me and he said to me.” Moses, the world is in a state of emergency, therefore go now, go to prepare my church, you are going to show the   Pastor(s) how to lead and direct my people. Otherwise there shall be disorientation and they will go astray. You are going to tell the preachers what they must preach in this time of emergency and where the world is now. You are going to tell singers and intercessors what they are suppose to do and teach singer the difference between singing and prestation. Go and tell intercessors what they have to say in this urgent time, Now Go! Warn the church, for this is an urgent time and the world is in a state of emergency”. When the...