;"Freedom mourns tragedy": Joshua

                            “FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY’: JOSHUA
                                                By Elia Vesikula
There was a young class 3 student who was brought to our home by his parents who were relatives of ours requesting that the young boy stays with us so we could help with his education. Sensing his need and an opportunity to give a helping hand to relatives we said yes gladly.
His name is going to be withheld for later. The young boy stayed with us and we nurtured him well just like one of our own children. He went to church with us and learned from the teachings of the Holy Spirit in our church.
He was responding well to school and was also obedient to the teachings of the Holy Spirit and the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. We prayed a lot with him and his placing in school jumped from always placed 30th in class to the top 10 in one of Suva’s leading primary school. We always thank the Lord for his achievements and attributed all his success to the Lord Jesus Christ.
After 6 years with Gods blessings we managed to get him in to one of Suva’s top Christian secondary school.
We were so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity as it is always hard to get good Christian schools in Suva.
However just as he about to get in to secondary school the parents requested that he returns home to them. The parents were staying in an informal settlement in Suva.
We were surprised but agreed to take the young boy back to his parents. There was some news circulating that the church I was attending was worshiping the devil and witch craft and demonic activities were performed in it. As a preacher in the church I was accused of being a false prophet and devil worshiper. At times when I prayed in the boy’s home, the woman in the house would rebuke my prayers openly. As always, I would leave quietly as I always take the student to his home to his parents for the weekend and pick him up again after the weekends.
However, when the parents insisted, to have their son back we said yes, but we were discerning that things might go wrong. I will mention his name here and his name is Joshua.We packed all of Joshua’s things overnight with a heavy heart as we had grown fond of him and liked the way he was responding to his walk with the Lord.

Lautoka sunset 2020
On that last night before his departure the next day, I had a restless night and did not sleep well. At 7am I had a vision of a car that I have not seen the type, in my life pulled up on our lawn. The car was flashy and a brand-new blue car and it was that type of car that did not have a sun roof. A tall handsome giant of a man came out of the car and walked up the steps in to our living room. My mind told me this was Joshua of the bible. He uttered a phrase in English that did not make sense to me. I was shocked to see such a giant of a man. He would have been 8-9 feet tall. A handsome man dressed in modern brown pants up to his knees and short sleeve shirts showing well-toned muscles. He was definitely heavenly and not of this world. He said these words. FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY. Then Joshua vanished in front of me. I was shaken and I grabbed a pen and a tore a piece of carton and wrote the words he said. FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY. I have pondered this phrase and it did not make sense.
That morning we took young Joshua down to his family and bade him good bye. We missed him a lot as he was always fun to be around but we respected his parents’ wishes to have him back which was only right. We knew also it was because of the rumours that was circulating about me. We adopted the Lord Jesus Christ strategy, just shut up and carry your cross, and follow me, which was sometimes hard to do.
We monitored young Joshua’s progress in school, but it was only a short while that he started dropping out of school and was involved with his peers in glue sniffing and other stuff. He lost out from school. He moved to other schools but came across a lot of unfortunate things which we will not mention here. And to make matters worse he was involved in a small gang robbery and was in trouble with the law.
I then remembered the words the brave Joshua said. “FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY’.
I write this piece not to accuse anyone but to remind us that God is real and he is not only a church thing. There are angels and people written in the bible who are walking like man on earth now to save us through the Lord Jesus Christ and sometimes we do not want to do anything about what God is telling us. We want to do our will and have our own fun and being our own bosses. We want the freedom to live our own lives the way we want it. This a real testimony. I saw mighty Joshua delivering that three-letter phrase. ‘FREEDOM MOURNS TRAGEDY’. I strongly plead with you to relook at your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, and repent. Check your attitude with the Almighty God our father and take heed of the call of the Holy Spirit in your life. Your life is precious and was bought with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ with his death on Calvary and his resurrection. God’s grace to you and your family.
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Writer/Blogger: Elia Vesikula


  1. Bula Vinaka OB. Thank you for the "love of the father" that enabled your family to raise and impart God's word on your young relative. I'm reminded of Jesus's ministry where he was mocked and worse; similar to what you experienced. To quote from the Bible, 'Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honour in his own country' (John 4:44). Christ also said 'no prophet is accepted in his home town' (Luke 4:16-30), and 'Only in his home town and in his own house is a prophet without honour'. Am reminded of your faithfulness in Joshua 24:15. Thank you for your faithfulness and commitment and may the Father continue to bless and favor your ministry.


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