Pastors End Time Message.

Pastor shown the end time message
It was 10 pm when I was feeling sleepy and I went to the bed to sleep. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep immediately after laying on the bed. As I slept, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ. When I saw the Lord, he began to address me and he said to me.” Moses, the world is in a state of emergency, therefore go now, go to prepare my church, you are going to show the  Pastor(s) how to lead and direct my people. Otherwise there shall be disorientation and they will go astray. You are going to tell the preachers what they must preach in this time of emergency and where the world is now. You are going to tell singers and intercessors what they are suppose to do and teach singer the difference between singing and prestation. Go and tell intercessors what they have to say in this urgent time, Now Go! Warn the church, for this is an urgent time and the world is in a state of emergency”.
When the Lord told me to go I felt a force seizing me and I began to move quickly. I saw a delegation coming in a beautiful car that seemed like a limousine, and as the delegation made their way out of this white car, I came to understand that the people in this limousine came for me and that they were waiting for me. One of them who was a protocol person came out of the car and opened the door of the car for me. I entered the beautiful car that had 3 doors. I was seating in the first cabin of the car, and there were members of the protocol in the two cabins behind us. When I entered the car, the first protocol welcomed me and said,” Welcome on board Pastor Moses. We are a delegation sent by God to accompany and assist you. We were sent by the Lord to be with you in this mission”. However, I could not understand anything that was happening here. As we were moving, I could not identify the place where we were going to. Then I saw a church in the horizon ,where we quickly parked the car inside the compound of this church. When we arrived, I saw another delegation that came to receive me , and i saw a pastor who was excited to welcome me though have never seen him before ,he told me.” Pastor Moses, finally I have the opportunity to meet you. I bless the Lord who spoke to me about you”. Quickly we entered the church and when we got inside the church I saw a delegation of pastors, a delegation of preachers, a delegation of singers and a delegation of intercessors who had come to receive me. The pastor said “Behold ,all these people that you see in this convention were waiting for you impatiently, for the Lord has talked to us about you and your arrival. 

The Lord told us that we should have to prepare a board that you see here and a marker for you brother”. In this vision, I remember that the Lord told me to go teach pastors and watchmen how to orientate the church otherwise the people will be disorientated. The Lord had said to tell the preacher what they are supposed to say in this time and to teach the singers the difference between singing and presentation and to the intercessor to teach what to say in the group. I saw that I took the marker and stood before the board though I did not have a notebook with me. I just had courage to preach before the congregation. At that moment, the Pastor told me, ”The Lord told us that you were suppose to deliver the message specifically to each category and each delegation. I suggest that you begin with us, the Pastors, then you can speak to preachers, and then the intercessors and the singers”. When I was looking at these delegations and group of leaders, I began to think about what to say. Immediately I saw the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in the church and he began to speak. Curiously I saw that none could see and hear him except me. The Lord took the word and began to speak to me. The Lord said, ”Don't worry ,just do your prayer before you preach, for I am with you here and I will inspire you so that you can speak what I want you to say. Immediately, I began to pray in order to begin my preaching and finally I said Amen with the congregation. TheSpirit of God seized me and I was inspired at that very moment. I began to speak mysteriously  and as I wrote on the board, the first mystery I revealed was how to direct pastors so that they would orientate the sheep in this time of urgency. I was supposed to speak to preachers and pastors for 2 hours and one hour to singers and intercessors. I spoke for 2 hours to preacher and 2 hours for pastors. Then I spoke to intercessors for one hour and then to singers I spoke for one hour. When I had finished, I returned to the car. The protocol told me that they are waiting for me in another church to deliver this same message. Then I rose from the dream. When I woke up ,I quickly took my pen and note book and began to write the message that I have deliver to all these delegation. What surprised and stunned me is that I was able to remember every single word and message that I had delivered to those leaders in the dream. I wrote the entirety of the messages delivered to the different delegations during that  6 hours in those churches.And I was stunned that I was able to remember the completeness of the message. ”Church! The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon and we are in the state of emergency. Without further delay, I will read the message that I had delivered to pastors, so that they will direct the church in order to avoid disorientation. This message is for us all’’.  When the Lord was with me he told me, ”You are just a spokesman. You will begin with pastors”. The Lord transmitted me the inspiration and immediately I began to speak to pastor. I asked pastors to read Exodus 12 verse 1 to 15. Then I began to speak and everybody was watching and hearing. I said I was mandated and the Lord had sent me because his church is not ready. We, pastors must prepare the church, for the rapture is very soon. As pastors and watchmen you got to be very careful. You got to know how to orientate the sheep of the Lord, otherwise they will be disorientated. Now this is how you will guide the church of Jesus Christ. First of all, you as pastors you got to understand that you are leaders and behold, this is a prototype of leadership found in the life of Moses who had received the mission of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt to the Promise Land. This is exactly the mission of all the leaders ,you must lead Gods people out of the world to the Promise Land and you must prepare the church for the sound of the Trumpet; what is it that leaders are supposed to do in this time. Note that the leadership of Moses was not simply about gathering the children of Israel. Moses had a sense of mission that the pastor is not suppose to start a church and gather people for the sake of it but for the church is a mission and the pastor has to be animated by a sense of mission. He must have a sense of the duty and a burden to gather people in order to lead them out of the world to the kingdom above. As a leader Moses had a sense of mission, he was not animated by popularity. Moses’ mission was Exodus. Moses was suppose to get the children of Israel out of Egypt. Any pastor and leaders mission is first and foremost the exodus of the people. The leader must get the people that he is pasturing out of the world. out of modernity and out of paganism. The exodus and the coming out of the world is the purpose of any pastor who starts a church. When a pastor gathers people in a church it is because he has to get them out of Egypt. It is all about exodus and getting the people to come out of this world. The Lord said to me,
” You will tell pastors, Moses was able to hear the voice of God but the people could not hear the voice of God, since Moses is the prototype of leadership. Pastors are supposed to speak and hear the voice of God in order to bring Gods people to the oracle and the rhema of God. The people are lost today because leaders have failed to hear the voice of God and they have nothing to give to the people. They have failed in their duty. Ecclesiastic responsibility is not popularity money or luxury but mission, which is to hear the voice of God and to transmit the word of God to the people. Otherwise people will go astray and God will ask us, account the leader has two missions, which first and foremost is the exodus of the people out of Egypt, for people must come out of the world and the leader must prepare the people to go out in the exodus. The leader must prepare the church by getting the people to come out of the world, since this is all about exodus, the leader who heard the voice of God to warn the people that they must prepare the people. Moreover, a leader must be careful about passive exodus.When I say passive preparation and passive exodus, I mean when you are waiting for the return of the Lord in passivity and failing to provide appropriate food to the church for their preparation. The preparation of the children of Israel from their departure from Egypt through the wilderness to the promise land will be our subject later ,in the eve of exodus which is the rapture, as the church is preparing to leave the earth leaders are suppose to provide appropriate food to the church. Leaders, there is a message the people of God are supposed to hear as they are preparing for the sound of the Trumpet. I mean there is a food that Gods people are supposed to eat in the eve of the rapture, which is the great exodus.
The first step of preparation for exodus is about eating the appropriate food. You got to listen to the right message as you prepare to leave this world at the sound of the Trumpet. Thus, the first step of preparation is all about listening to the end time teaching and eating appropriate food and when there is no food to eat in the eve of exodus, this is a passive preparation, for you are not hearing the right message as you need to eat an end of time food in order to prepare yourselves to meet the Lord. Moses prepared the children of Israel for exodus by instructing them to eat food in the eve of exodus. God will ask you whether you have prepared his people by giving them the end time message or the wrong food. The food eaten by the children of Israel before the exodus was called the preparation food. Moses, who is the prototype of leaders prepared the people for exodus by providing them with the food of preparation. The church needs the food of preparation for these are messages and preaching that we are leaving this world with the sound of the Trumpet. We are in the eve of the rapture, the Great Exodus. For in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed. The preparation food eaten by the children of Israel in the eve of exodus was a lamb burnt in fire with unleavened bread which was to be eaten with bitter herb. This was the food of the time, the Lord had prepared to give to his people at the appropriate time. The preparation food that the children of Israel ate was prophetic. It was an image of things to come. I mean it was all about out time which is now. The leader who prepares the people for exodus is the leader who gets instruction from the Lord about the food that Gods people are supposed to eat in the appropriate time, which was the lamb burnt in fire with unleavened bread and the bitter herb. I want to warn you Gods people to be careful. If you are a member of  a church where there is no food, be careful with the end time food. We need the right food in the right time. The food of the end time is the food of preparation. After giving the people the right food, God talked to Moses about the trajectory of their journey after the exodus. The mission of the leader is to give the people appropriate food and to lead the people in the right trajectory determined by the Lord.” Watchmen, the Lord is coming back! Let us prepare the people for the rapture, the great exodus. We must make sure that the people of God eat the preparation food and we must be careful and check that the people are eating lamb burnt in fire and the unleavened bread and bitter herb. Since we are on the eve of the rapture and we are preparing to leave this world, the food and the message to hear become exclusive and unique. You cannot just eat any food and you cannot just hear any message, for the message of preparation is monotonous. It is the end of time message. The food we are talking about is the lamb that takes away the sin of the world. When we preach about the lamb and when people receive the message their sins are erased and then we eat the lamb with the intent of having our sins removed. We must hear a message that will erase our sin and so in this time leaders got to preach a message that will confront the sins of people. A message that will remove sin in the lives of the people whom we are preparing, for the great exodus. This is the food of preparation and this is the right orientation. Pastors must be clear to members about the end of time food. We must tell people that we are preaching a message that will destroy a life of sin, a food and message that will remove the pleasure of sin. Food and message that will make sin tasteless. The more you hear the message, the more you eat the preparation food and the more you leave the sins of this world and you separate from the pleasure of this world. This is the message and the food of this time. This message is the food which is the lamb that we are suppose to eat, it is an unblemished message. This message of preparation is all about the lamb of God which is Jesus Christ, he is the corner stone of the message. Leaders are not supposed to mix the message of Jesus Christ with materialism and prosperity. This preparation message is not about terrestrial life that is passing away. We must eat the lamb of God burned in fire when we go to church. The lamb that came to take away the sins of the world is the same lamb that was seen seating on the throne. His mission was to take away the sins of the world. The Lamb on the throne is the priest whose job is to confront the sinful life of his people. The Lamb is a priest who is doing the expiation and removing sin in our lives. The ministry of the Lamb is to end a life of sin among his children. He died and came to remove our sins and the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world is seating on the throne in Heaven and no one is going to heaven with a sinful life. We got to put an end and remove sins in our life, and this is possible when we hear a message that confronts and ends sin in our lives. We got to eat food that removes sin in our life and this food is the lamb that takes away the sin of the world. This is the message of the end time. We are talking about the right food in the right time. People often hear the messages to take away their sins. Brother, we go to church in order to hear a message that will remove sin in our lives and we do not go to church for terrestrial demand and aspiration. The message of our pastor is supposed to be about the preparation for the rapture and the people of God come to church in order to cancel the lifestyle of sin. The message of exodus is unique for it is about preparation and the Lords coming back. Pastors are supposed to deliver the right food for the right time, for the Lord is coming and the food of the end of time is the preparation message that confront and destroy sinful life. We are leaving this world in the sound of the Trumpet and we must eat the flesh of the lamb that removes our sin. The Lord said,”Whoever eat my flesh and drink my blood will live forever”. Remember the lamb whose flesh removes the sin is the same Lamb seating on the throne removing the sin of the world and we are not entering the Kingdom of Heaven unless we hear the preparation message of the end time which is purity, holiness and sanctification. Leaders of the end of time have the task of fighting against sins in the congregation of the brethren, for the duty of the Lamb is to take away the sins of the world. Leaders of the end time, we must make sure that the bread which is to be eaten with the lamb must be accompanied with bitter herb. The Lord is the bread of life that we must consume and this bread or message is without leaven, a message without compromise  as the bread of life is the word of God in its purity. This bread and this word must be original and biblical and the people of God must hear sound doctrine that is not mixed with philosophy of men pleasing the ears, for in the end of time, people would want to hear things that please their ears. The unleavened bread is the biblical message that is tasteless but original. Nowadays, preachers want to please the sheep with accommodating preaching ,the unleavened bread is dry and this is the message we are suppose to deliver in the eve of the rapture which is the great exodus to the Promise Land. We are talking about the uncompromising gospel that is; not accommodating and pleasing. The end of time message is not word of encouragement or consolation, for Jesus Christ is coming in the air and we must preach sound doctrine of purity and holiness. The solid food is made for the mature who have judgement and insight and we got to eat bitter herb while eating this solid food of separation from the world. Leaders, in order to get the people of God to be part of the rapture and the great exodus we must present them the food of preparation which is solid food, this is the lamb and the dry bread that is unleavened with bitter herb.
When you eat authentic food which is sound doctrine, you will see that it is painful, just like how an apostle said, this word is tough who can bear it? Jesus did not mind the fact that some people could not bear his message though it was tough. Jesus was not begging and trying to accommodate the crowds and when people could not accept his message he was not frustrated for he did not try to accommodate them. Many have come to church because of the promise of prosperity and solution to their problems but few have come because of the desire to abandon sin that is prevailing in their lives. In the ends of time preaching there are two elements that destroys corruption in the lives of Gods people. Firstly, the food that is the flesh of the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world, and secondly the uncompromising gospel which is the unleavened bread. When the word is from God it is heavenly not terrestrial and materialistic. Since it is exodus and we are leaving the world in the sound of the Trumpet, the message cannot be terrestrial and material for all things will pass away but the undiluted word of God remains forever. The Lord complains that the church is not ready because of these things and the people of God are not in a posture of exodus. Yet we are leaving this world as the Trumpet will sound any moment from now. The second mission of the Pastor is to teach Gods people the trajectory and destination of the journey. We are on a journey and we are pilgrims passing this world, yet many of us don’t know the itinerary and the trajectory. The children of Israel were to leave Egypt but Moses knew the itinerary ,though the people did not know where to go. They did not expect to cross the Red Sea. Before the Red Sea they had threatened Moses that they did not expect the wilderness and also when they were hungry and thirsty.
Brother, since we are going to leave this world soon, this is our trajectory. Leaders are supposed to guide the people to cross the Red Sea, for in order to rise to Heaven, Elijah had to cross the Jordain river. We, the leaders have the responsibility of getting the people to be born again and cross the water. When we go through water baptism you abandon the world forever and you are on a journey to Heaven. After crossing the Red Sea, the people of God must go through the wilderness before accessing the Promise Land. This is the message of consecration. Leaders must set the people apart through holiness preaching and consecration as suffering must achieve its purpose in the wilderness.


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