“Tell them about me now. I am here: The Lord Jesus Christ”.

                      “Tell them about me now. I am here: The Lord Jesus Christ”.
                                                          By Elia Vesikula

Here is a story I have talked about a lot and one of the visions that became a turning point in my life in pursuing God. This was in a dream that was shown to me while I was in Deuba in my wife's village in the village farm called Wainiteba.  It is located along Deuba road and about 2 miles by feeder gravel road from the main Kings Highway past Navua town.
A little background to this story. I had been staying in my wifes’ village for a while. I had also joined a strong praying church group.  Our leaders were very passionate praying and loving people so as members of the group. I was impressed and was drawn in to the prayer group and we prayed without ceasing every day. We saw the power of God taking place as we pray. The people were healed and blessed by the Holy Spirit. We heard prophecies of the things happening to Fiji and to the world now.
At home I will always wake up at three o’clock in the morning and pray for hours till day light.Wainiteba has very peaceful surrounding and its quietness at night makes it a beautiful prayer place.  I use to sleep in the mud hut kitchen where woman cooked food daily. At times I would sleep on the hard mud and later we found an old broken-down bed and used coconut trunks as its legs to support the bed.

Writers grand  children on Deuba veaxh
 Life was tough and money was meagre to support us and  my five children’s education plus the four grannies and the extended family we stayed with. Life was very difficult. But it was God that saw us through and we are always grateful to God Almighty.
I was praying all the time during the day with the healing prayer group and also at home in Deuba. My family always joined me in the kitchen to pray in the mornings at 5am and also at night before going to bed. We would sit on an old mat on the hard mud near the fire place and were fortunate to get a cup of warm team in the cold of the night. But it was God that motivates us and I believe it was also our impoverished situation that kept us going.
At times I would go out at night and pray kneeling on my wifes’ wooden washing board to keep my knees from the wet grass and the cold in the mornings.
I could remember that I was always woken up by the Lord to pray in the morning at exactly the same time at about five minutes to five in the mornings.
On of the nights I was asleep and I saw the Lord standing on a hill above a well that we always fetch water from in my village. The Lord was dressed in spotless white. His face was like someone from the middle East. As I looked at him, I heard a voice saying. “You can tell them about me now as I am here”. As I awake, I can remember that the Lords’ face is not the face that we see in all the photos that we have about him here in the world. As I behold his face I knew it was the Lord Jesus Christ. This vision still compels me now to keep talking about the Lord Jesus and that he is here now. May his grace and love be upon you and please accept the Lord Jesus in your heart before it is too late. He is here now. Do not give up in your prayer life. He will always answer your prayers. Do not be discouraged. Do not lose hope. Keep praying and keeping studying the word and do his word and stay Holy

Christian Nedia Netwirk crew at Deuba beach


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