Gin & Tonic and grapefruit juice

This is a story sent to us by Pastor Johny Qoroya of the US. It is a story of leading souls to Jesus. Pastor Qoroya’s photo is also included. Grapefruit & Tonic And Connecting with People. By Pastor Johny Qoroya:30/5/2019 I was returning from the studio and decided to buy a fruit juice drink in one of the cocktail bars in Downtown before I catch the next transit to take me home. So I stepped into a bar and found a table where a gentleman was sitting alone sipping gin and tonic mixed with grapefruit juice and watching baseball So I asked if I could join him, he smiled and welcomed me to sit and chat. He was the one that recommended the non-alcoholic beverage. And so I introduced myself and then we chatted. He asked me what I do and I told him and he jokingly said, “ Are you here to turn everyone away from their sin ? and we laughed. So I asked , “ what do you do? “ He told me his story where and when he was born, then he told me that he grew up in an Assembly of God Chur...