
Showing posts from May, 2019

Gin & Tonic and grapefruit juice

This is a story sent to us by Pastor Johny Qoroya of the US. It is a story of leading souls to Jesus. Pastor Qoroya’s photo is also included. Grapefruit & Tonic And Connecting with People. By Pastor Johny Qoroya:30/5/2019 I was returning from the studio and decided to buy a fruit juice drink in one of the cocktail bars in Downtown before I catch the next transit to take me home. So I stepped into a bar and found a table where a gentleman was sitting alone sipping gin and tonic mixed with grapefruit juice and watching baseball So I asked if I could join him, he smiled and welcomed me to sit and chat. He was the one that recommended the non-alcoholic beverage. And so I introduced myself and then we chatted. He asked me what I do and I told him and he jokingly said, “ Are you here to turn everyone away from their sin ? and we laughed. So I asked , “ what do you do? “ He told me his story where and when he was born, then he told me that he grew up in an Assembly of God Chur

Learning from the HOLY SPIRIT

                                                                  Sermon 13/4/19                                                                     By Elia Vesikula 1. We  gather in church to praise and worship God. We have also come to listen to Gods words. 2. The Lord says I am the bread of life. He is the source of life. 3. The Lord Jesus said. I am the light of the world. The light that shine in our hearts and brought us out of darkness. 4. The Lord said I am the good shepherd. The Lord is our shepherd, our protector and guide. 5 I am seated among you like a person to empower you and to share the love of God with you. 6. This is our message, our hope, from the Final Testament. God wants to tell you in their words that the Holy Spirit has returned to you and he dwells with you. 7.The Holy Spirit had dwell among man in the past as decided by God. 8.We are blessed and fortunate that we are in a church that has the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. 9. G

Biblical reasons to pray

                          BIBLICAL REASONS TO PRAY                                   By Elia Vesikula Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. It is important to pray always. Its also part of our worship and thanksgiving. Prayers is the key to open heavens doors of blessing. Here are some biblical reasons to pray. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST 1. LUKE 18:1. The Parable of the Persistent Widow   1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up . 2 He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.'   4 "For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out wi


JESUS THE ONLY WAY: THERE IS NO OTHER WAY: JASPER SINGH By Elia Vesikula An anointed man of God who has taken the great commission to another dimension. He is Mr Jasper Singh, Director of Shore Buses in Lami. His pulpit is his fleets of Shore Buses. He has bible verses’ and Gods names written in the front and back of the buses in beautiful bold letters. You can’t miss it. Mr Singh says he listens to sermons and coined phrases from the core messages of the sermon like Jesus as the only way to the father, from it he coins the words JESUS THE ONLY WAY AND NO THER WAY. It is simplifying the message so it impacts the people. In his woods he says it is like steroids hitting you and empowers Amazing word play for the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr Singh a former Hindu is changing a lot of things at Shore Buses. He says when one meets Christ the old becomes new. Most of his busses carry the words of God. It may be the only bus company in the region that is displaying their faith in God