Learning from the HOLY SPIRIT

                                 Sermon 13/4/19
                                  By Elia Vesikula

1. We  gather in church to praise and worship God. We have also come to listen to Gods words.
2. The Lord says I am the bread of life. He is the source of life.
3. The Lord Jesus said. I am the light of the world. The light that shine in our hearts and brought us out of darkness.
4. The Lord said I am the good shepherd. The Lord is our shepherd, our protector and guide.
5 I am seated among you like a person to empower you and to share the love of God with you.

6. This is our message, our hope, from the Final Testament. God wants to tell you in their words that the Holy Spirit has returned to you and he dwells with you.
7.The Holy Spirit had dwell among man in the past as decided by God.
8.We are blessed and fortunate that we are in a church that has the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
9. God Jehovah, God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.
10.We thank the Holy Spirit as it is his power that purifies the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit.
11We are in the university of the Holy Spirit so we can learn from the Holy Spirit if we can use those words to bring the meaning closer to us in our times.
12.We gather to learn about the Holy Spirit .
13.We come to praise God and also to learn from God.                                              
14.We learn about the Holy Spirit so we can walk with the Holy Spirit.

Vesikula family ready for church
15.We come to praise God and also take something back with us.
16.We must hear and learn the Lords  teaching and follow his instruction.
17.What we learn will help us grow in his word. We will know more about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit.
18. We must keep trying to keep growing in Christ so that our faith in God will also increase.
19. What we learn about God will strengthen us spiritually and physically.
20. What the Holy Spirit will teach us is what the Lord Jesus taught. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will give you what belongs to me.
21. Always ask yourself. What have I learned about the Holy Spirit today. 22.What is the Holy Spirit  wanting  me to do.

Image of the Lord Jesus Christ
23. Ask yourself what will I do to apply what the Holy Spirit wants me to do.
24. What are some of the bad things I have to leave in order to follow the Holy Spirit.
25The Holy Spirit teaches us so we can be blessed and more importantly so that we can have eternal life.
26.We must listen to the Holy Spirit. Through his words and acts. A good place to start is in the bible with Acts of the Apostle some times called the Acts of the Holy Spirit.
27.Psalm 36:1-3.
1-2Be patient and listen a little longer to what I am saying on God behalf. 3.My knowledge is wide. I will use what I know to show that God my creator is just
End of sermon. Please leave comments.

Christian Blogger: Elia Vesikula


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