Trusting God

TRUSTING IN GOD. By Elia Vesikula. I am worthy of all your confidence, all your trust and refuse to have world events spook you. Era na rawa ni sotava na nomu veivakabauti na Kalou. E rawa ni sotava na nodaru vei gagadre. Kua ni laiva na ka e yaco tu e vuravura oqo me vakayalo lailai taki iko. Instead pour your energy in trusting me and looking for evidence of MY PRESENCE in the world. Vakayagataka ga na nomu kaukauwa mo vakanuinui kina vua na Kalou ka vakasaqara tiko na matadra se na nodra I serau. Se masu tiko ga ka vakabauti ira tiko ka vakanuinui tiko ga vei ira. Whisper my name to reconnect your heart and mind to me quickly. I am near to all who call me. Vakasolokakana taka ga na yacaqu ka semata na yalomu kei na nomu vakasama vakatotolo sara ki vei au. Au sa voleka sara ki vei ira ka ra kaciva na yacaqu. Let me wrap you up in my abiding presence and comfort you with my PEACE. Laiva meu ovici iko e na noqu lagilagi kei na noqu vakacegu. Remember that I am both loving and faithful. My love reaches to the Heaven. My faithfulness to the skies. Na noqu loloma e yaco ki lomalagi. This means you can not come to the end of my love. It is limitless and everlasting. E sega ni mudu na noqu loloma. More over you can stand on the rock of my faithfulness, no matter what circumtances you may be facing. Ko na rawa ni vakanuinui kina vatu se cava ga ko sotava.People routinely put their confidence in their abilities, in their education, wealth and appearance. Daru vakanuinui e na ka e daru cakava, nodaru vuli, nodaru I lavo, se na kedaru I rairai. But I urge you to put your confidence fully in ME-the savior whose sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection opened the way to you into eternal glory. Vakauqeti iko mo vakanuinui vei au (Jisu) ka mate ka tucake tale me tadola kina vei kedaru na lagilagi ni Kalou. Psalm 145:18. 18 The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. Vaka Viti: Same 145”18-19 Na Kalou e ra sa dau voleka ki vei ira taucoko ka ra kacivi ira e na dina (word of God).19. E ra na sotava na nodra Gagadre na rokovi ira. E dau rogoca na nodra tagi ka na vakabulai ira. 2nd Corinthians 4:17. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; Vaka Viti: Ka ni sa lailai wale na noda rarawa, noda vakacacani, vakatotogani, kei na vutugu e na gauna lekaleka oqo, ia e na kauta mai na lagilagi levu ni Kalou. 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Psalm 36:5 5 Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Vaka Viti. Na nomuni loloma na Kalou, sa tiko e lomalagi kei na nomu ni Yalo dina sa yacova na o. (O ya na kena cecere na loloma ni Kalou) Mercy.


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