Doing Gods will
DOING GODS WILL. By Elia Vesikula 1 What do we mean by doing Gods will. What Jesus said. 2. John 4:34. My (FOOD) is for me for me to do the will of my father who sent me to accomplish his work. 3. My food is to do my fathers will. Jesus ultimate will is for the Lord to die for our sins so we can be redeemed and be saved. 4. Worship is a display of Christ in us. Your presence here is a show of Christ in you. The Holy Spirit in you. 5. Present yourself as a living sacrifice. Sacrifice to do Gods will. 6. When you are in Christ you are a new creation. When you accept Christ you are a new creation. Christ is in you. 7. 2nd Cor: 5:17. 8.1st Cor:5:7 (You are a called out person) 9.Col:3:10. V2. Do not be conformed to the world. 10. Renewed mind will tell you the will of God. 11. Will of God. For the his son to die for our sins. It was the will of the Father. Jesus prayed that he does not have to die. At the garden Gethsamanee. 12. He prayed these words. Father if it is possible, take this...