
Showing posts from March, 2019

Na kucu e Viti

                         Na I valavala ca vakasisila ni kucu (rape) e na keda maliwa.        Kei na vakamacala nei  talatala vakacegu Jiutasa Keni. E vola ko Elia Vesikula Talatala vakacegu Jiutasa Keni AOG E levu na I valavala ca ka vakasisila kei na tovo kaukauwa ca (sexual abuse and violence) sa yaco tiko e na noda vanua.  Oqo na nodra kucuvi se “rape taki”ka sega wale ga ni ko ira na luveda gone yaleawa, ia esa yaco sara ga vei ira na gone yalewa se gone tagane lalai. Eso vei ira na  kucuvi oqo  e se qai vakavula wale ga na nodra se qai sucu ka se ra gone yalewa lailai sara ga. Sa yaco vei ira na i tovo kaukauwa ka vakasisila ni kucu se na “rape”. E yaco sara ga e na noda dui matavuvale. E dua na ka e vakasisila kina na i tovo oqo ni ra vakayacora sara tiko ga na qase ka ra vakabauti e na nodra i tavi me ra taqomaka ka maroroi ira na luveda yalewa kei na gone tagane. Era wili tiko e ke nai talatala kei ira na cakacaka vaka lotu, ka ra sa wili tale ga kina na qasen

Lord Jesus Christ heals again

                                                        JESUS HEALS AGAIN                                         By Elia Vesikula 25/3/13 Praise the Lord Jesus and may he be exalted, magnified and glorified. The Majestic Divinity. The Holy One. God Almighty. I would like to boast about the Lord Jesus and he heals again. Today24/3/19, as I returned from church with my family, I was led by the Holy Spirit to visit a family in Suva. My intention was to visit a man who suffered from a stroke. We have been praying about him. As we arrived at his home, his wife. met us at the door and invited us in. The lady looked tired but managed a welcome smile. As we sat to have our welcome prayer the lady requested to be prayed over to Jesus as he was suffering from a head ache for the last four days. She has been going for massage but the pain persisted. She has not been able to carry out her work of looking after her sick husband because of her head ache. To make matters worse she had

Salvation through the Lord Jesus the only way

HAVE YOU HEARD THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST? Dear beloved Jesus loves you and died for you. He wants you to save you and to live eternal life with him. Made Alive in Christ 1              As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. 4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace

Heaven and Hell is real by Angelica Zambrano

                                                              Angelica Zambrano Heaven and Hell is real: A warning to live Holy This is a testimony by an anointed of God Angelica Zambrano who has made many trips to Heaven with the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ. The story is taken from her ministry’s website video. The experience with Lord Jesus in heaven came after their group had a 21 days fast. This story is to show us that Heaven and Hell are real places waiting for us at the end of our lives. We have chosen to publish this story so we who are alive now to   live a life of Holiness and Righteousness so we can enjoy eternal life with our heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and all the angel and children of God. We encourage you to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. Read the testimony by Angelica Zamabrano. This testimony was recorded, at the end of a 21 day fast, on the 30 th October 2010. Introductory remark by Angelica Za