Vision about Fiji by Elia Vesikula

Vision about Fiji. By Elia Green Vesikula Before the election in 2022, I was shown a vision by God showing that God had stripped the then PM Voreqe Bainimarama of his powers even before election. The result is what we are seeing happening in front of us. We praise the Lord who is the creator of the universe and sustainer of all things. 26.We have heard some great quotes recently in leadership about the power of one vote. That was Gods vote. That strips power and install new power. . A forgiving spirit covers the nation led by the Honorable Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, never seen before done by a leader. It is very humbling to see that. It Is anointed leadership. It’s a call by God. The blessings is with our leaders. 30 Vision 2. God making a new path. I was shown a vision where the present Prime Minister Honorable Sitiveni Rabuka was leading the people in a walk. They got off a number of buses. There were men, women and children of Fiji. As we walked, the roads disappeared and there was no road we could walk on. I ran around asking people where was the road that was there. I could not see any road. Then I saw a highway that was just newly built. It was solidly built and it was a white road and light was shining on it. Then I heard a voice saying, “This is the new road I have carved for your country. I praised God for we are now travelling on that new highway that God built. A new road carved by God for Fiji. To be free is to be forgiven, which is the finished work of Christ on the Cross. 31.But there is a celebration that God is always looking forward to. That is when one of his children comes home again in to his presence. When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart. When you come home, heaven parties and rejoice. The golden bells of heaven rings right through out heaven and music of heaven is heard in all parts of heaven. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents. Luke 15:10 KJV. When the son, the Lord Jesus sets you free you are free indeed.


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