Vision about the church by Elia Vesikula

VERSY MEDIA NEWS: 30/10/21 Vision of the church. By Elia Vesikula Occasionally God shows me vision of what is happening and what is to come. Recently I was shown a vision that I was standing in a very large church and was standing up front as I was about to deliver a sermon. My green bible was opened in front of me on a table covered with white cloth. However as I waited no one was in the church, the pews were empty. I then took a walk around the church to wait for the people. Then as I looked again the entire church was filled to capacity and there was a person preaching standing in front where I had my bible placed. People were applauding him in their praise. After his speech which I did not understand he came and sat where I was. He conversed with me but his words were nonsense to me and I could not understand what he was saying. Then the message came that the spirit in the church now is a different spirit. I was stunned at this revelation and thought of what is happening in the churches now with the split in the worshipers because of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Earlier on I saw a vision of church leaders drunk. The word came saying the churches are drunk but not by the Holy Spirit. “They have made a wrong decision. I wish every true worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit Gods grace and faithfulness”. “Its abomination in desolation” Let us keep fighting and praying to the Lord, God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. We ask for Gods deliverance in our churches. Hell can not destroy the churches, the Lord Jesus owns the churches. Let us help fight the enemy and give the church back to the Lord. Lets repent and give our life to the God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to guide us.The Lord Jesus says, “It is finished”. The Holy Spirit added “the victory is ours”. Be strong and God bless children of the Most High God, the Majestic Divinity. The Most Holy. MESSAGE 10: Final Testament. “Impersonation from the beginning has always been an obstacle; cult and earthly reign of the persuasive condemnation of the most evil, outrageous, vicious, damaging, sorrowful outcome for those who truly seek the wisdom and the glory of GOD”. End of Heaven Press Release.


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