Free At Last

FREE AT LAST CELEBRATION SPEECH By Elia Vesikula and blessed by the HOLY SPIRIT in conjunction with Tu and his divine team: Albert Park Suva. 11am:25/2/23 1.We thank and welcome Almighty God, The Holy One, The Holy Dazzling Sulphur, God Jesus Christ, The Most Peaceful One, The Holy Spirit for their presence among us today. 2.We welcome each and every one of you and our hard-working organizers, sponsors of the event and the Police and volunteers and musicians and… those that braved the hot sun to march for us in victorious celebration for the FREE AT LAST CELEBRATION. (Cheer) 3.You are sending a message to Fiji and the nations of the world… that we are “Free At Last”.. Free Indeed and I am not ashamed or fear to say…. in Jesus Name. May the Lord keep blessing you and your families and the nation. 4.Let us come in silence to the Lord with our prayer to thank God Almighty.
PRAYER FOR THE NATION (Prayer. Father in the name of Jesus we thank you for your presence today. We thank you for your blessings in Fiji and your wonderful people that have gathered here today to celebrate the freedom you have given to us and our families. We thank you for hearing our prayers, for your grace and mercy and healing upon our land. 6.We humbly ask you to bless the leadership of the nation, our President, His Excellency Wiliame Katonivere…. The Honorable Prime Minister Sir Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, and the members of Parliament. Lord please bless the former members of Parliament that played their role in your nation.
7.We ask that you bless every child, and every Fijian women and men in your happy nation of Fiji. We pray in Jesus name. 8.Welcome: Praise God. Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 9 We thank God for his presence today for joining you in the march and the whole day celebration. The march is a freedom march which was called before creation and will go down in history. ‘Free At Last”. 10. The word freedom means the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. “we do have some of that freedom of choice" 11.That is what we are celebrating today, we will march and sing and dance together as freedom is a privilege and a gift from God Almighty 12. Freedom is the quality or state of being free, such as: the absence of force or threat to do something or stopping you to make a choice or to act.
13.Freedom means the liberation from slavery or from the power of another. 14.Free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed their inalienable (God given rights) rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we are free at last,” Nelson Mandela said to a standing ovation, quoting words delivered in a speech whose 50th anniversary comes next week.20 Aug 2013 15.Martin Luther King. As Martin Luther King said freedom must ring from every mountain side.” For us in Fiji freedom must ring from the settlement, from the villagers, towns and cities, freedom must live in our hearts. 16.This is our turn in Fiji by God’s grace and mercy. We are free at last and will be free always in Jesus name. Never to be captive again. 17.“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.” “Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” 18.Someone said “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”
19.Nelson Mandela said. “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” 20.Lets love one another as Fijians, Lets love Jesus as only in that we shall be free indeed. God wants us to be his vessel of joy, love and peace. 21.Freedom is plant when planted grows very quickly and we thank God. 22.We have seen a rebirth of the nation of Fiji under God. A new leadership is allowed by and God is leading the way. Do not fear. For God has been with you in the trying times and will lead to your good times. 23.VISION ABOUT ELECTION BEFORE ELECTION RESULTS.
Before the election, I was shown a vision by God showing that God had stripped the then PM Voreqe Bainimarama of his powers even before election. The result is what we are seeing happening in front of us. We praise the Lord who is the creator of the universe and sustainer of all things. 26.We have heard some great quotes recently in leadership about the power of one vote. That was Gods vote. That strips power and install new power. 28.We hear vernaculars is allowed in parliament. “God says in the last days I will speak to the world in the Fijian language.” So lets be humble I Taukei’s.
29.A forgiving spirit covers the nation led by the Honorable Prime Minister Stiveni Rabuka, never seen before done by a leader. It is very humbling to see that. It Is anointed leadership. It’s a call by God. The blessings is with our leaders. 30.Vision 2. God making a new path. I was shown a vision where the present Prime Minister Honorable Sitiveni Rabuka was leading the people in a walk. They got off a number of buses. There were men, women and children of Fiji. As we walked, the roads disappeared and there was no road we could walk on. I ran around asking people where was the road that was there. I could see any road. Then I saw a highway that was just newly built. It was solidly built and it was a white road and light was shining on it. Then I heard a voice saying, “This is the new road I have carved for your country. I praised God for we are now travelling on that new highway that God built. A new road carved by God for Fiji. To be free is to be forgiven, which is the finished work of Christ on the Cross. 31.But there is a celebration that God is always looking forward to. That is when one of his children comes home again in to his presence. When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart. When you come home, heaven parties and rejoice. The golden bells of heaven rings right through out heaven and music of heaven is heard in all parts of heaven. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents. Luke 15:10 KJV. When the son, the Lord Jesus sets you free you are free indeed.
Todays is the day to worship God. You can worship God in many ways, in prayers, in his words, in loving other people, but today we will celebrate in music in our celebration ‘Free at Last’. We thank God. Thank you again for being part of the celebration, Thank you to the organizers, and stake holders, the Security services and volunteers and to my good friends the musicians. But today… we do it with music. FREE AT LAST CELEBRATION. Thank God and God bless you and God bless Fiji. END OF PRESENTATION


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