Purpose of Life and Gods blessings and destruction,.

“Purpose of life and Gods titles”. By Elia Vesikula 9.7.22 Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and thank you for visiting our blog site elia.vesikula@blogspot.com. Please share. This is an article from one of our sermons at the one World Healing Church in Suva Fiji. The presentation covers many topics but we start of the with the “purpose of life”. We hope you will be blessed with the information. The article is in English and in Fijian. 1. What is our purpose in life according to God? “The purpose of my life is to know God and hear his voice so I can live a life of servant hood and obedience; then I will be a God-defined person and a non-anxious presence in every situation. Na cava na I balebale ni bula 2.Na balebale ni bula, sa I koya me da kila na Kalou ka rogoca na domodra, ka bula me vaka na dau veiqaravi, kei na talairawrawa, ka kona tamata digitaki kina ni Kalou. Me da bula me vakalagilagi kina na Kalou e na noda masu kei na rogoca na nodra vosa. 3.Encourager Gods special people… I have engraved you in the palm of my hands. Nothing could ever scrape or corrode, this inscription, for you are my treasured blood bought procession. Isaiah 49:16. 4.E da sa tamata digitaki ni Kalou. 5. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. 6.Ni sa volai na yacada e ligadra sa kena I balebale ni ra raici keda tiko e na veigauna taucoko, ni ra raica tiko na yacada ka ra vakananumi keda tiko. “Au wanonova na nomudou cavui kalawa. Au cecega na I ubi ni nomudou mona. Au wanonova na nomudou cavu I kalawa. Au rogoca na tavatukituki ni nomudou uto” Me da marau tiko e na vakasama ni sa ira na taukei ni vuaravura oqo e ra vakatokai kedaru me daru nodra ka talei. 7.I am the Lord your God. Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear I will help you. 8.Sai au na nomu Kalou ka taura tu na ligamu I matau. 9.It is essential for you to recognize and believe that I am not only your savior, I am also your God. 10.E ka bibi me da kila ka vakabauta ni sa I ira na e ra sega wale ga ni nomu vakabauta, E ra noda Kalou tale ga. 11.“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” 1. Ezra 3:11 12.With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: “He is good;his love toward Israel endures forever.” 13.One of the best things about thankfulness is that the more you choose it, the easier it gets. The more you profess gratitude, the more you notice things to be grateful for. The thankfulness muscles respond to exercise! And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. 2. Psalm 7:17 13.I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. 14.Au na vakavinavinaka vua na Turaga baleta na nodra dodonu. Au na laga sere me vakalagilagi kina na Kalou sa cecere sara. 3. Psalm 9:1 15.I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. 16.Same 9:1. 17.Au na vakavinavinaka vei Kemuni na Turaga e na yaloqu taucoko. Au na dau tukuna na nodra cakacaka mana. 4. Psalm 35:18 18.I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise you. Same 35:18 19.Au na vakavinavinaka vei ira e na soqoni cecere, e na kedra maliwa na lewe levu au na vakacaucautaki Kemuni. Psalm 18:1 20.King Davids Psalm when the Lord saved him from King Saul. 1)I love you Oh Lord, My strength. 2. The Lord is my rock and my fortress, and deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of salvation. 21.Na same nona na Tui ni ra sa vakabulai ira mai vua na Tui o Saula. 2 Same 18:1. Au lomani Kemuni noqu Turaga. Na noqu kaukauwa. Na Turaga sa noqu uluvatu, kei na dau veisereki, na noqu Kalou, na noqu vatu dei, ka au sa maroroi mai vei ira, na noqu sasabai, kei na leu ni veivakabulai. 4. The cords of death encompassed, the torrents of destruction assailed me. The cords of Sheoul entangled me, the snares of death confronted me. 22.Na I vesu ni mate sa vesuki au, na ua ni veivakrusai sa muloraki au. Na I vesu kei Sioli sa coriti au. Na batigaga ni mate sa bolei au. 5. In my distress I call upon the Lord my God, I cried for help, from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears. 23.Au kaci vua na noqu Turaga e na noqu leqa. Au a tagica na nodra veivuke mai na nodra vale ni so Kalou Tabu. E ra rogoca na domoqu, kei na noqu tagi ni yacova na daligadra. 24.The earth reeled and rocked, the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked because he was angry. 25.E yavavala na I vakadei ni ulu ni vanua ka uneune ni ra cudru. 26. What is the purpose of a fortress? 27.Na cava na vale ni valu. A fortress is a castle or other large strong building, or a well-protected place, which is intended to be difficult for enemies to enter. 28.Na vale ni valu e dua na vale ni Tui se dua na vale tara kaukauwa me vanua ni taqotaqomaki, ka dredre vei ira na meca me ra valuta. 29.The definition of a fortress is a secured and strong place. 30.Na I balebale ni vale ni valu, (fortress) E dua na vanua dei ka kaukauwa. 32..What is God's fortress? Na cava na I vale ni valu kaukauwa ni Kalou. 33.When David, hiding in the rocks and caves of the desert from Saul's attackers, says “God is my fortress,” he is saying, despite the absence of fortified walls, he is safe because of God. 34.Ni sa vuni tu e na qara vatu kei na vanua lala na Tui Levu ko Tevita mai na veivala kei na Tui ko Saula, e qai vola na Tui ko Tevita. E dina ni sega tu na lalaga ni nona vale ni valu e sa maroroi ka tudei e na vuku ni nona Kalou 35.What does God is my stronghold mean? 36.Na cava na kena I balebale na nodra I veitaqomaki kaukauwa se uluvatu.(strong hold) 37.A stronghold is a defensive structure: Psalms 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. misgav; properly, a cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible place); figuratively, a refuge:--defense, high fort (tower), refuge. 38.Same: 9:8 Na uluvatu e dua na nodra vale ni veitaqomaki, e na gauna ni rarawa na Kalou levu ko Jiova me vaka e seretaka na Kalou Levu oqo.. 39..What is the name of God that means protector? 40.Na cava na yaca ni Kalou Levu dokai ko Jiova ka kena I balebale na “dau veitaqomaki” Na kena vosa vaka Iperiu; na Elohim…Jehovah Elohim Hebrew translation: Elohim shomri 41.What is the horn of my salvation in Psalm 18 2? HORN OF SALVATION “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation.” Horns symbolize strength and victory. Horn in the Old Testament was a shofar, ram's horn, like a bugle. 42.Same 18:2 43.A noqu uluvatu ko Jiova, na noqui drodro kei na noqui vakabula. What did David mean when he said the Lord is my rock? Justifiably, David called God his rock because God was his strength, his support, his defence, Who enabled him to subdue his enemies, and gave him victories in battles. 44.Na cava na kena I balebale ni ra kaya na Tui, na noqu Kalou sa nodra uluvatu. E vakatoka na Tui ni Kalou e nodra kaukauwa, nodra I nuinui, nodra kaukauwa ka rawa kina me vakadrukai ira na nodra meca ka solia vei ira na nodra qaqa What does high tower mean in the Bible? The Lord is a strong tower in fearful and scary times. It is the name of the Lord that is our strong tower. It is the place of safety which God promises to those who run to Him. The name of the Lord is a Biblical expression for the whole character of God. -------------------- 45.Na cava na vale cecere ki Kalou. (High Tower) Na yacadra na Kalou se noda Turaga na vale cecere ni Kalou. E vale ni ra maroroi kina e na veigauna rerevaki ki vei ira ka ra vosa ni yalayala kina. Na yaca ni Kalou e tukuna na tovo kei na I vakarau ni Kalou. 46.What do rocks symbolize in the Bible? 47.Na cava na I balebale ni Vatu vei ira na Tui. 48.The words rock and stone, referring to the prime elements in ancient foundations, are used in the scriptures as metaphors signifying strength, steadiness, and durability. 49.Na vosa na vatu, e kena I balebale na vatu ka vakadei ni dua na vale ka vakaraitaka, na kaukauwa, na dei, kei na kena rawa ni vorata na vei draki kece. Ni da rogoca e so na balebale ni vosa e cake e rawa ni da kila ni sai koya oqo na ka e tukuna na Kalou oqo, ka ra sa vakaiukuku kina. Ka me da rawa ni da kilai ira kina 50.Oqo e so na ka cecere baleta na Serau Waqa Tabu. Na Serau Waqa Tabu e tukuna tu na nodra veitaqomaki, veivakasavasava taki, veimaroroi, veivakabulai vei ira na nodra I lumuti. 51.The Sulphatic Key of the Kingdom of God. Na ki kina noda korovou. 52.E tiko vei ira na ki ni noda korovou. E tiko nodaru korovou. Sega ni nodaru koro e ke. Nanamaki tiko ga kina I golegole kina na noda korovou. 53Sulphatic sword of Catastrophe Na I selewa ni veivakarusai. Na bula ki vei ira na talairawarawa kei na rusa vei ira na talaidredre 1. Majestic Sword of victory. Na nodra I sele I wai ni qaqa. 2. Triple Majestic Crown of the Omnipresence of the Most Holy One. 3. Na nodra sala lagilagi ni nodra tiko vata kei keda e na vanua ga e da tiko kina e na veigauna taucoko. 4. Key of the glorious Judgement 5. Na ki ni nodra vakatulewa lagilagi. 6. Fopple Majestic Crown of the Holy Covenant of the Most High. Na nodra Sala Tabu e va ni veiyalayalati. 7. Holy Majestic Key of Revelationary Authority Na ki Tabu ni Tukutuku vakaraitaki ni Vakatulewa, 8. The Blazing Robe of Divine Truth 9. Na Tini Yara Serau ni Tukutuku va Kalou dina. 10. The Majestic stuff of perpetual judgement. Bula vei ira na talairawrawa. Rusa vei ira na Talaidredre. 11. Key of My Covenant. Na ki Tabu ni nodra veiyalayalati 12. Divine Crown of the Most High. Na I sala tabu cecere Vakalou nodra na Kalou sa Cecere sara. Na I sala e vakaraitaki ni nodra vakatulewa vakayalo (spiritual authority. 12 Majestic Medal of Victory. Nodra metali ni qaqa. E ra na dau qaqa tiko ga e na nodra veivalu kece ga. E tukuna na I vola tabu. Sa nei Jiova na I valu. 54.So na veinanumi ni nodra vakavuvuli. a) Dou vakarau na luvequ. Dou vakawaqara tale mada na I cabocabo ni soro. b) Namaka na rarawa ni ko muria tiko na Kalou. c) E ra sa dabeca na I dabedabe ni Vakatulewa. “Majestic Key of Sulphatic Judgement”. 55.The God that we serve is the source of life, souece of love and the source of joy. Na kalou e da qarava e vuni bula, vuni loloma, vuni reki, E da nanaum na tiko ni volatabu. Sai ira na sala, na dina kei na bula. 56.Crowns can also symbolize the rewards Christians will receive, in the resurrection, after living a life of overcoming and obedience to God. The apostle Peter states that believers will receive an eternal one of glory when they meet Jesus Christ (1Peter 5:4). Those in the first resurrection of the dead will also be granted never-ending life (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10) 57.Na nodra I tini yara, e vakaraitaka na vanua e savu kina na nodra vakatulewa, e lomalgi e cake, e vuravura e ra, kei na boto I vuravura. Na nodra I tini yara e vakaraitaki tale ga nodra I covi ni nodra bula ni qaqa e na I valu kece ga kei na nodra talai rawrawa vei ira na Kalou. Truth… Robert Kelley tells the biblical truth about what it means to be a man, and clearly defines what is required to be a Strongman of God, backed up by scripture! Faith, humility, obedience, faithfulness, strength, zeal, courage, diligence, patience, Godliness, integrity, and mercy. A must read for all men. 58.E vuqa na ka e da rawa ni vulica mai na nodra bula. 1)Na Vakabauta, 2.)Na yalo malumalumu,3). Na talai rawarawa, 3)Na dina, (faithfulness) 4)Na kaukauwa, 5)Na yalo dina (zeal) guta na nodra I tavi, 5)Na yaloqaqa, 6)Na cakacaka kaukauwa, 7)(diligence) 8)Tovo Vakalaou ( Bula savasava) 9)Na loloma, 10 Na dina. 59.Na yaragi ni Valu va Kalou. 60.The 7 Pieces of the Armor of God and How to Use Them 61.Ephesians 6:10–18. 62.#1 Belt of Truth 63.Na beleti ni Dina. 64.Breastplate of Righteousness 65.Sasabai ni Savasava. 66.Gospel of Peace. 67.Kosipeli Tukutuku ni Vakacegu. 68.Shield of Faith. 89.Sasabai ni Vakabauta Helmet of Salvation. Na I sala ni bula Sword of the Spirit. Na I selewau ni Yalo Tabu. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life." The Good News: Welcoming Jesus into your world and giving your spirit over to Him will help ensure that you have a fulfilling and happy life.4 May 2022 Jesus teaching 1.Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect 2 Mathew 5:44-48. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them, that hate you. Pray for them that hurt you and prosecute you. That you may be called the children of your father that is in heaven. Ask and it shall be given, Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened. Mathew 7:7 End. Elia.vesikula@blogspot.com


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