
Showing posts from June, 2022

Heavens Press Release

2/11/21 Gods steadfast love beloved of God. Heavens Release :Injection. I have to have my peace and I release this vision that I was given around July this year. I am not able to rest as the Lord seems to be urging me continuously to release the vision. I was fasting for 44 days and was praying for the nation because of the supposed virus that hit us. I was always dressed in rags using empty sugar bags during prayers. I almost lost my life during the period but I am thankful for the Holy Spirits intervention. But this not about me but Gods will for all of us. I was shown a man’s shoulder. I saw three holes from injection marks. The holes has puss showing out of it. There was three holes as if suggesting there will be three doses. I have told my friends not to worry if they have received the injections but to keep praying to the Lord as there will be nothing that can separate us from the love of the lord. MESSAGE 11; Final Testament“ Condemnation as is immaculate the throbbing and the

Na veituberi ni veilumuti tabu ni Kalou.

VEITUBERI NI VEILUMUTI TABU NI KALOU Vola ko Elia Vesikula 1. Dolava vakalevu na yalomu vua na Kalou 2. Vakanananu vaka levu vua na Kalou. 3. Masu vakalevu – rogoca ka wilika na nodra vosa 4. Rogoca na domo ni Kalou – 3 na domo o na rogoca, 1. Domo ni Kalou, 2. Domomu 3. Domo ni tevoro 5. Ira na noqu sipi era kila na domoqu 6. Dau vakarorogo, Talairawarawa, Vosota vakadede. Ena vakatubura na Kalou na nomu vakabauta. Na dredre e vakataucokotaka na nomu bula ena Vosota. Niko sotava na dredre sa sala ni nodra vei vakaloumanataki ni Kalou. 7. Dou kakua ni leqa taka e dua ka, ia ena veika kecega mo dou masulaka ena vakavinavinaka 8. Mo gu tiko e na nomu lako vata na Kalou. Mo tiko ga e na nodra lagilagi. 9. Maroroi ni savasava ni Kalou (Na savasava e nona na Kalou Ko Jiova ka ra solia vei keda (Holiness of God (taucoko kei na vakatabui ni Kalou). Na ka e tukuna na Kalou me kua me kua – na ka era vinakata me caka o ya me caka sara vaka vinaka. 10. Era cecega nai ubi ni nodaru mona ka ra