The Word of God

THE WORD OG GOD By Elia Vesikula Thought I will share this in the times of difficulties most of us are going through. The Israelites went through the desert for 40 years in one of the greatest freedom restoration in world history. God parted the Red Sea in front of them, gave them water from a rock and fed them manna from heaven in the desert. They were guided by a fire pillar at night and smoke pillar during the day. God was in those pillars and travelling with them. All that cannot compare to the blessings we have now. We have his word in the bible in our homes and in our hearts right now.
The Red Sea parted and closed again. The water from the rock ceased. The pillar of fire and smoke is not seen any more. The manna from heaven decayed the next day. But the WORD of God is with us every second, every day, for almost 2000 years right now in our homes and it is fresh every day and never decays. Read it, eat it, and do it, it’s todays manna and our answer to poverty and adversity. I woke up from a dream one night a few years back with Elijah the prophet telling me get up and eat the bread. I said Sir you know this is Sunday and I don’t eat on Sunday as I deliver the word of God. He said get up and eat. Then he moved his hand and touched me by the side of my stomach. I jumped in reality from the pain I got from where he touched me. It was real physical pain I felt and not imaginary pain. I rushed to the kitchen and ate a half loaf of bread left over from two days which I thought that was what Elijah wanted, but I got it wrong. He meant the word of God from the bible. You see the word of God is not to be read it is to be eaten, it is the manna from heaven in this present time for you and me.
It is the manna that will rid poverty, it is the manna that will heal, it is the manna that will save the nation from the global pandemic. It is right there in the bible, MY WORD IS SPIRIT AND IT IS ALIVE. We are thank full and praise full that God has moved to heal the nation from the virus through his power. God Jehovah. God Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit is the answer to our adversity. I want to plead with you to give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and the Holy Spirit will lead you through to eternal life. Remember the manna from heaven is right there in your home. God bless saints. Pictures attached are feed for the homeless in a local bus stand and children from a local squatter settlement. Please reach out with your manna to those around you. God richly bless you and your families. Thank you to our special friends who enable us to spread the manna to our families.


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