
Showing posts from December, 2021


VITI SA SOTOMA KEI KOMORA NI KUA Na levu ni vakasalewalewa kei na yalewa viavia tagine sa tubu cake sara vakatoto;o na kedra I wiliwili ka vaka me sa sega ni taqea rawa o Viti nikua. Era sa vakasinaiti na noda vei koro kei tauni nikua ka sa vaka me da bula tiko ena tauni drua e rua ko Sotoma kei komora. E a vakarusai o Sotoma kei Komora donuya na gauna nei Eparama kei Loti ni vo toka e 1,900 na yabaki me sucu na Karisito. Oti e 1,150 na yabaki main a kena vakarusai na tauni drua ko Sotoma kei komora e a qai sucu mai Isireli ko Aisea na Parofita (vo toka e 750 na yabaki me sucu na Karisito). E a sa parofisai taka ko Aisea na Parofita na veika ena yaco e vuravura ena gauna eda donuya tiko qoka, vakabibi e Viti nikua. Aisea 1:9 “kevaka sa sega ni lewa ko Jiova ni lewe vuqa me vo toka e lewe vica vei keda, eda sa qai vakataki Sotoma, eda sa qai vakataki komora”. E baleti keda na lewe vica na tamata lotu dina, koya e taqomaki keda tiko kina na Kalou. Aisea 1:10 “Dou rogoca na vosa i Jiova,

A discussion on Ephesians.

A DISCUSSION ON EPHESIANS 5:1-33 BY ELIA VESIKULA, PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR PAULS WRITING IN EPHESIANS. AND FOR THIS TIME OF SHARING ON In Ephesians: 5:1. Discussion.Paul urge us to follow God, and to love like the Lord loved us as gave his life for us. I always see the Lord Jesus as sacrificial love. He died to save us. What does that mean in earthly terms. What does it mean in heavenly terms. Ephesians 5:1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. VERSSE 1 ELABORATION What is Jesus example of Lord Jesus love. He walked among people, cared for them, healed them, taught them about the Kingdom of God, forgave them, disciplined them and died for them. Encouraging us to do the same. EPHESIANS:5:2 Pauls teaching gainst sexual immorality, impurity greed. Paul writes tha

Abuse by anonymous

ABUSE ANONYMOUS. Abuse is something I’ve lived with all my life; be it physical or verbal abuse, it had become somewhat a norm. I am 28years of age and through my journey in life I am most certain of one thing and one thing only, that I am never fighting my battles alone because God is always there with me as the Book of Exodus 14:14 says “The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Rest assured that the Lord will always come through for you in your darkest as Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”. I grew up with an alcoholic father and an abusive mother. And I always pondered on the question “Why Me ?”. Being the eldest, they had a lot of expectations of me. It was a nightmare and the most painful experience because one should feel safe and love at their home. Then one day, I went to church with extended family and there I found what I needed