Gods healing Fiji of the virus: A post to a friend.

Gods healing Fiji of the Virus. A post to a friend. I thought I share. By Elia Vesikula
Your faith is amazing. You are inspiring me and our work for the Lord. Please forgive me, as I have sort of including your name in our team in what we are doing. Thank you for your thoughts for the interview. It is good that you always thinking things out so the Holy Spirit can help in our decision. You have contributed even when you are not working. Many Christians will not do that. You may remember what Jesus said about the poor lady that gave 5 pennies in church and Jesus was watching her. Jesus said This lady gave more than anyone else as she has given everything she's got. I know God will bless you and your family bountifully because of this radical kindness and giving. May the Holy Spirit be with you always.
I have also been praying for your work and if there is anything else we can pray for please do not be shy to send it to me. God loves you so much and keeps reminding me to pray for you. On the vaccine you have made the right decision. But God still gives the choice for everyone. I was fasting for 44 nights without food but just liquid. I got hit by the virus. I had faith in their words in Kind David Psalm 91 and drank a lot of hot lemon leaves and I recovered from the fever. I got hit by pneumonia and was very weak. I trusted the Lord and I recovered. It took another 3 weeks to gather strength as I had hasted for 44 days.
Then the Lord showed me the vaccine. I saw the needle whole on people shoulder when the needle is pulled out. I saw whole in the arm and saw yellow puss in it. When people get injected we do not see the wholes but in this vision the wholes in the shoulder was shown to me. People should not be afraid if they are vaccinated just pray for Gods healing and protection. That is also why I did not vaccine, So it was the Holy Spirit guiding you. In regard to this my name may be added to the conspiracy list from the worlds perspective and I understand. I have learned to always listen to God rather than men. There will be a lot of work around for you and God always provide for his loved one and you are so special to him.
God kept inspiring me in my fast. I was praying hard for the nation and the virus. I was dressed in bag rags like the way people of Nineveh (Jonah story) were dressed when they asked for repentance from God. I was getting weaker and weaker and I saw myself kneeling before God and angels saying my prayer of repentance. And the Lord said, when you grandchild Shalom will be born, heaven will make an announcement. The announcement was written in front of me but I could not read it as I did not understand. My granddaughter which the Lord told me to name her Shalom is now a month old. On the day she was born and still now I notice the drop in the virus attack and deaths.
It is God that has done it and not the vaccine and man, although humans will always want to claim as their doing the glory of God. To confirm that God cleaned out the virus. He showed a vision and I saw a white light came over my grandson Ratu. As the light covered his body, digital numbers appear like a counter in a calculator and it counted down to zero and a voice said zero virus. This scene was repeated and I knew God is confirming what he has done by removing the virus for Fiji. May God always protect you. God loves you so much. Apologies for the long post, but I just want to share with you that the Lord Jesus is real and is with you and he is still healing. We should have unshakeable trust of him


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