
Showing posts from October, 2021

Vision of the church by Elia Vesikula

VERSY MEDIA NEWS: 30/10/21 Vision of the church. By Elia Vesikula Occasionally God shows me vision of what is happening and what is to come. Recently I was shown a vision that I was standing in a very large church and was standing up front as I was about to deliver a sermon. My green bible was opened in front of me on a table covered with white cloth. However as I waited no one was in the church, the pews were empty. I then took a walk around the church to wait for the people. Then as I looked again the entire church was filled to capacity and there was a person preaching standing in front where I had my bible placed. People were applauding him in their praise. After his speech which I did not understand he came and sat where I was. He conversed with me but his words were nonsense to me and I could not understand what he was saying. Then the message came that the spirit in th

The Lord Jesus Christ warning

THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WARNING AND ALERT Isaac Mayele, Brothers, this is the end of time alert ,the time to consecrate and submit to the lord totally. Lately I talked about events of the end time, many people of God think that we still have time before us, I am here to tell you that there is no more time, this is the time for God children to be on their knees in fasting and prayer to seek the face of the lord. The Lord had showed me the rapture of the church, first the Lord took me to heaven and began to show me great events, which are supposed to happen soon. First i saw that I was before the gate of heaven which was opened ,and I saw the saints from all over the world entering within the city pearly gate, however, I saw that not all of them were entering for some of them were turned down and disqualified, then I saw the majestic Lord Jesus seating on his throne ,and he was holding a book and he was writing, I watch the Lord writing in the book, as

The End of Time.

THE END OF TIME Author unknown The wave to come, i heard the voice of the Lord that was in the sky above China before the pandemic , and before any news that can frighten the world, and the lord said that several countries like Japan and some countries of the Europe and many will be hit by giant waves by the permission of God, I was praying and crying and speaking in languages and trembling with so much power ,immediately i understood that the world has already entered into the judgement of the Lord, the lord said it was for us to pray for the world and Christians should pray. It all started on the 20th of June in the current year when i was resting in the afternoon, I fell such a great presence that I soon realised that I was with the Lord, my body trembled because the Lord visited me in a powerful way. I started to hear the audible voice of the lord in my ears, which was very intense, and every time the Lord spoke I feared for my ears were expose to the voice of the lord which was

The solution to poverty:

Solution to Poverty By Pastor Dan Lobhendahn THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE : IS GOD THE PRICE OF SUCCESS… By Pastor Daniel Lobhendahn. A lesson to take us out of poverty to a life of prosperity. Proverbs : 14:23 “ HARD WORK BRINGS A PROFIT” A REWARD! I’ve been protected : directed; corrected, healed, judged, rejected, disappointed, broken, hurt and loved; restored and accepted… I’ve never always stuck with “GOD”, but he has always stuck with me : Amen…I love you Jesus! So everything you did; or think I’ve done, would you follow what I’ve done and hope you would be successful (like me)? That’s faith ….believing in Jesus – GOD! Then do it! Fail big! Fail! Fail! Fail! Take chances do it; I’ve done this : Been there But my God is able & faithful; believe he is unlimited in all things; Yes! So Dream Big. “But” remember dreams without “Goals” is just dreams. So get off your butt (back side) and your layback attitude and activate your faith, action. Because without goals an

Gods healing Fiji of the virus: A post to a friend.

Gods healing Fiji of the Virus. A post to a friend. I thought I share. By Elia Vesikula Your faith is amazing. You are inspiring me and our work for the Lord. Please forgive me, as I have sort of including your name in our team in what we are doing. Thank you for your thoughts for the interview. It is good that you always thinking things out so the Holy Spirit can help in our decision. You have contributed even when you are not working. Many Christians will not do that. You may remember what Jesus said about the poor lady that gave 5 pennies in church and Jesus was watching her. Jesus said This lady gave more than anyone else as she has given everything she's got. I know God will bless you and your family bountifully because of this radical kindness and giving. May the Holy Spirit be with you always. I have also been praying for your work and if there is anything else we can pray for please do not be shy to send it to me. God loves you so much and keeps reminding me to pray for