Lord Jesus Christ Healing testimony

MY HEALING FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. RESTORATION FOR HIS CHILD.By Elia Vesikula 6/2/19 This story is a personal testimony again to encourage my friends and visitors to my blog. I want to encourage you not to give up in life, in what you doing or in your plans. I believe God put those plans in your mind and in your heart. If you persevere with the Holy Spirit you will reap the fruits of your passion. (BV) In my sick bed I received a call from an old friend who offered to give a video production job. It was December and I was almost bedridden. However I took the call and assured the person I will do the job in January when he wanted it done. I did not tell him about my health. The job was to be done in the western division and required a lot of orgarnizing, travel and research. I was not even in a position to walk around our living room. I trusted God and said yes to my friend and prayed continually. 1. During our times of financial need, the Lord Jesus opened work with a video production that we were hired to produce. I had a call from an old friend and someone who I worked with in an earlier production. I was still vey sick in November 2018. My bank account was dry. We had no money accept a few dollars in the bank. The production work started with $3,500. We were given the contract and we had some money for food, fuel, clothes and for other expenses. We were able to pay tithe to the church, something we were not doing for a long time as I was unemployed. We thank GOD, LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT for remembering us in our time of need. There is no other GOD LIKE JEHOVAH.
2. Healing Blessings In Septemper 2018 after being umemployed for six months I was struck with a disease that had me bedridden for about three months. I had boils and high sugar level and went through a lot of pain. It was the most painful time in my life. I could not move much and my life was unbearable. We thank the LORD JESUS for hearing my prayers and I slowly recovered. My nights were nights of pain from boils and there was boils growing all over my body and I was scratcing continually and my body was bleeding all the time. I had a boil that opened wounds in my flesh and the wound was about three inch in length and took about 3-4 months to heal. We are so thankful to the LORD JESUS for his miraculous healing. Slowly the boil healed. The itchiness and small boils slowly went away. I lost so much weight and was very weak but I picked up strength again and thanks to the healer the Lord Jesus Christ. I owe my life to him. It was GOD’s love and care and strength and power. I did not attend church for about three months but the LORD JESUS kept encouraging me. I started to take small steps and slowly walked again. My wife Vini was inspired by GOD to stay by my side and attended to me during my sickness. I am so proud of her. She looked after my food and clothes and attended to my pain day and night.
I am so thankful to God for giving me a beautiful, caring, loving and GODLY wife. She suffered with me. I can still hear her prayers day and night asking the LORD JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT and GOD JEHOVAH to heal me. By now February 2019 I was back preaching and working for the LORD JESUS and the family. I owe my life to the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is seated among us.
Although I was sick I kept praying to the Lord for an office space to run his work and also to produce some media work. I was glad the Lord Jesus gave us an office in Suva where we are working out from to cover Christian stories and also do some local video production. I thank the Lord Jesus for a special friend who gave $1, 000.00 to support our work. I am starting to work across denomination in helping spread God words. I am deeply thankful to the Holy Spirit and the family and those close friends that helped me along the way. I will never forget them.


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