God is calling for repentance from Fiji

God is calling for repentance from Fiji. By Elia Vesikula Greetings in the name of God Jehovah, The Almighty God the Creator of the universe, The Most Powerful One, The Holy One, God the Most High, The Heavenly One. The Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, The Holy Dazzling Sulphur. I thought of sharing about my fast and prayers for 44 days in the hope it will inspires us to draw closer to God during this pandemic time of Covid 19. I was urged by the Lord Jesus and moved to fast and pray for 40 days because of what was happening in Fiji. Fiji was going through sickness and death from the Covid 19 virus. Eventually I fasted for 44 days. I went without food continuously but only drank fluid during the fast. I praise God Jehovah, God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit for giving me the strength for the fast. Isaiah 40:29. “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength” Why I am sharing. I have written this experience to encourage those that have not received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior to ask the Lord Jesus in to their hearts. To encourage us to be truthful, and faithful to the Lord Jesus and our calling and purpose. Repent from our sins and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the guarantor of our eternal life with God in heaven. John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” The end times are here and the tribulation is upon us. We are thankful of the Lords faithfulness and protection that the Lords army are out to save his people. The Lord is walking with us. As the Lord Jesus said, I have not come for the world but only to my own. The Lord Jesus is here to judge humanity. Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness. He judges and wages war. The angels are cleaning up the world and a fierce battle is happening around us to save us. At times during the fast and prayer I lost strength, but I can testify that the Lord Jesus provided his strength as mentioned above. Prayers I use to pray in the day where ever I was, at home, in the car, on the streets working and also late at night at home. I dressed in my rag bag to ask the Lord to remember Fiji and stop the Covid 19 Virus. At these time in June and July those that tested positive to Covid 19 kept increasing at an alarming rate. There were a lot of people dying from the virus. The numbers were running in to the thousand daily. I was also praying for the Lord to forgive Fiji, the people and the nation. I also asked for the Lord to help us in his ministry in spreading his word and help feed the homeless people and those affected by the virus. Vision during the fast. Visions from the Lord did not come early during the fast but I had an expecting heart that the Lord will give some revelation. One night as I lay after prayers, I saw a vision of a beautiful highway running over mountains and valleys with beautiful trees a long side it. I saw myself with my white outfit kneeling in the middle of the highway praying for repentance for Fiji and the world. In front of me I saw figures dressed in white which I know were heavenly beings across the highway. I saw a figure like the Holy Spirit among them. As I awoke I continually prayed for my own repentance and asked for Gods’ forgiveness for Fiji and the nations of the world. So I plead with everyone to cry in repentance to God for ourselves our families and our nation. 1 John 1:8–9 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In the daily news in Fiji, I noted deaths from the virus and worldwide destruction, by natural disasters, fires, floods, tornadoes, cyclone and earthquakes. I knew it was the wrath of God for an unrepentant world. Then I saw a church leaders staggering as if drunk. I heard a voice saying “My church is drunk but not of the Holy Spirit and they have made wrong decisions”. The Armies of Heaven and the King of Kings. A number of night vision during my fasting prayer times I was shown three heavenly beings dressed in white army uniform. They were tall and regal looking. They would be around with countless heavenly soldiers. On one occasion, I saw these 3 mighty Angels and they were conversing and I could tell what they were telling one another through my mind. On one occasion I was brought a meal on a plate and asked to eat. It reminds of Psalm 23:5 “You prepared a table before me in front of my enemies” On other times I would see heavenly armies foot patrolling as if searching for something over the hills and valleys of Fiji. The heavenly soldiers would be a marching side by side a meter apart over the hills and valleys and through the grasslands. It was an amazing site. I was not told what they were searching for. Gods Almighty Healing. 44 days in to the fast I became very weak. I could not move much. I was not able to eat and felt my energy fading away. I was lying in my room all the time. My family started attending to me. I began to eat and recover slowly. It took about 3-4 weeks to recover. I daughter of mine came and massaged and prayed for me. I knew it was the Lord Jesus that healed and gave my strength back. I glorify My Lord Jesus, The creator and God Jehovah and God the Holy Spirit. I kept memorizing Psalm 91 and the bible verses, by his stripes I am healed and no weapon forged against me shall proper. When I was fasting, I was very weak. Friends were sending me prayer request of families isolated because of the virus in Nadi and Suva. I prayed for them and the Lord Jesus healed them even though I was very weak in bed and I was sick and weak. I never gave up but kept praying and read the bible. I thank the Lord Jesus as you can trust him and I write this article so you can also trust in the Lord Jesus and his healing powers. For those that have not given their life to Christ I urge you strongly or even commanding you to give your life to Christ. Time is over. God now walks the earth with millions of his angels and his wrath and judgement is also here. Seek his forgiveness now and accept him in your heart. The Lord impressed upon me not to worry too much about Covid 19 but get as many people as possible to give their lives to Christ and I glorify the Lord Jesus and his finished work of salvation on the cross. I ask everyone to lift our prayer and worship of the Lord. As the Lord showed that the prayers of Christians were weakening during this Corona challenge. We are not glorifying him enough, not praising him enough as fear and worry has gripped our hearts. MESSAGE 7 FINAL TESTAMENT “The sacrilege deserves the betterment and the uplifted, to monopolise the glory and the divine of THE MOST HIGH”. During the course of fasting and prayer we kept distributing food to the homeless in Lautoka City. We are so thankful to the Lord for inspiring our friends who privately support us to buy food for the beggars, the poor and the homeless and the sick in Lautoka and Nadi. I was amazed at the strength that God gave me every day to feed our friends on the streets. God Jehovah, The Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit be glorified. End of story. -------


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