
Showing posts from August, 2021

God is calling for repentance from Fiji

God is calling for repentance from Fiji. By Elia Vesikula Greetings in the name of God Jehovah, The Almighty God the Creator of the universe, The Most Powerful One, The Holy One, God the Most High, The Heavenly One. The Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, The Holy Dazzling Sulphur. I thought of sharing about my fast and prayers for 44 days in the hope it will inspires us to draw closer to God during this pandemic time of Covid 19. I was urged by the Lord Jesus and moved to fast and pray for 40 days because of what was happening in Fiji. Fiji was going through sickness and death from the Covid 19 virus. Eventually I fasted for 44 days. I went without food continuously but only drank fluid during the fast. I praise God Jehovah, God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit for giving me the strength for the fast. Isaiah 40:29. “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength” Why I a


Message received July 27, 2020 Change to DNA A great and formidable enemy seeks to enter into the very blood of My children, through the altering of your DNA, Because of the curse that came about after the fall of the first man Adam, I came to make a way for you, You are regenerated and made clean again by your belief and salvation in Me, your King and Messiah, sent by My Father to redeem you by My blood sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, Only through Me the Door, corruptible is made incorruptible, unredeemable made redeemable, I have ransomed you in order to bring creation back to its Creator, the Creator Yahweh was made flesh to overcome death, hell, and the grave, and to take what was tainted and impure and make it whole again, The spiritual battle that is raging now is ultimately to strip you of the Divine image of Myself that has been placed within the DNA of My creation, Ask Me for more wisdom and revelation about this and it will be given to you, The veil was torn, access gran