
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Lord Jesus is aware of everything

BIBLE ENCOURAGERS An advice by the Holy Spiri through his anointed Pastor Dan Lobhendahn. Amen. He is aware of everything. "Walk by Faith and not by sight" nor "look to the right or to the left." Set your sight on Him the redeemer. He is the beginning of everything and likewise the ending of everything. He is our Ancient of Days and our Strong Tower. He is our Miracle Working God. What is impossible with man is possible with our God. When Moses the great servant of God was trapped when he looked behind him he saw Pharaoh’s army pursuing them and when he looked to the front the Red sea. There was no other way but Moses knew his mighty God. He prayed and God answered and told him. Moses raise your hand and point the rod you are holding in your hand towards the sea. And when he obeyed God's command, the sea was opened and there was a way to cross to the other bank of the red sea. Jesus said, "He is the Way, the Truth and the life, no one goes to the Father but

God is with us

Gods is with us. Be strong and courageous and keep the faith in the Lord Jesus. Imagine more than 3 million people with Moses in the OT story. The Red sea was in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them, there were mountain all around them. They were lost in the wilderness. No way out. God asked Moses. What do you have in your hand. Moses had only a walking stick. He pointed to the Red Sea and the water parted. The Israelites crossed and were saved. God killed Pharaoh’s army with the same super natural parting of the Red sea act. God wanted to show who he is. The Almighty God. We have the virus in front of us and the vaccine behind us, but we are better than Moses, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is in us. Call on him, he will destroy both.

Psalm 18

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. The other day 3 heavenly beings stood before and read Psalms from King David. The main narrators voce was so beautiful and it gave a me a deep meaning of the Psalms they read. They read Psalm 91, 18, 27, 35. Psalm 18:2 is above. Please read the Psalms at your own time and I know God will bless and you get its meaning. Meditate upon it and ask God to let the Psalm work in your life. Will love to hear your comments after you have read. May I add again do not fear, discouraged, or lose hope by the circumstances around us. God is with us. The Lord Jesus Christ will never abandon us. He is in control. Just keep thanking him even for the virus and keep praising him. God bless everyone. Grace full day.