
Showing posts from April, 2021

First message for year and the new century.

OWHC 2/1/21. First message of the year and the century By Elia Vesikula Snr 1.Praise GOD for 2020. Despite COVID 19. We have so much to celebrate about. Blessings of God. 2.Why are we celebrating the new year or the new century. 3. Au marautaka na yabaki vou se na senituri vou oqo ni ra dabe tiko vaka tamata kei keda. Rai lesu: Flash back to see Gods power. 4.E tekivu na 2020 e na mate na Corona virus se na Covid 19. 5. Sogosogoti taucoko na vei ,matanitu na vei tauni e vuravura. 6 Sega na veitosoyaki, e na waqavuka kei na waqa kei na lori. 7. E se qai yaco vakadua, e vuravura. 8. Milioni na tamata e ra mate e na COVID 19. 9. Sogo na lotu e na Qele Tabu, ia vei kedaru e dola tiko ga na Yalodra, dola tu a ko lomalagi, dola tuga na I tikotiko tabu vaka Kalou. 10. Daru sa vavaca rawa mai na gauna dredre ni bula o ya. 11. Daru mai yacova na yabaki vou ni 21 ni senituri vou ni lako vata vaka tamata kei na nodaru Kalou. 12.PRAISE AND WORSHIP 13.
Healing in the name of Jesus. By Elia Vesikula Snr Christian Media Network Fiji I was in Lautoka Hospital emergency unit. I took up a young man who had hurt his hand doing some carpentry work at his work place. I was in an office and I felt an urge to leave the office and go to work from home. As I came out of the office I heard a man who had hurt his hand. A man asked if I could take him to hospital and I did. While waiting for his treatment, a friend of mine came past and told me that a friend of ours is also admitted in hospital. I quietly walk through the ward and prayed for him. As I walked and sat down at the ambulance garage, two ladies came up and asked whether I was a Talatala (Pastor). I did not answer but asked them what they wanted. They looked worried. They told me that their 3 y

How to become a Christian as in the bible.

HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN The Bible Way Why Jesus? Because He is God’s very own Son who came to earth to be the sacrifice for the sins of mankind by dying on the Cross and rising from dead. The bible says “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” ACTS 4:12 Jesus Christ said “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. JOHN 14:6 Christianity begins by what Jesus said in JOHN 3:7 – “You must be Born Again” What does it mean to be truly “Born Again”? Being ‘BORN AGAIN’ involves a definite heart felt desire to live for God by a relationship with Jesus Christ. To be BORN AGAIN means, you are “converted” – in other words there is a change in your life. Mathew 18:3 ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are CONVERTED and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. One of Jesus Apostle’s named Peter was asked by a large group of people

Hot Bread Kitchen reaches out to the homeless in Lautoka Fiji

HOT BREAD KITCHEN REACHES OUT TO THE HOMELESS ON EASTER. By Elia Vesikula We magnify God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy Dazzling Sulphur, God the Holy Spirit for blessing street dwellers in Lautoka on Easter morning with a lovely Easter breakfast, courtesy of the Holy Spirit and the Hot Bread Kitchen in Lautoka for supplying hot cross buns for the hungry homeless on the streets of Lautoka. Hot Bread Kitchen CEO John Samisoni in a simple e mail message said we wish the homeless a happy Easter. To many those words may be just a common salutation but for the starved homeless on the streets, it heralds the profound love of God and the divine sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. We started with a brief Easter service at the deserted bus stand at 5am. As the beautiful Lautoka dawn broke over the sugar city market the street dwellers greeted the morning with their songs of praise in their first holy communion to commemorate the last super and the Lords crucifixion t