The amazing supernatural power of God the Most High

MY FLYING CAR: A supernatural act of God.
                      By Elia Vesikula
I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for this story and his supernatural power.

Before the curfew and lockdown hours in Fiji, during COVID 19 days I was travelling a lot from Lautoka to Suva often to attend church service in Suva at our local church. Sometimes I would leave Lautoka at 2am to be in time for Saturday morning service which begins at 9am. Some times the trip would be very tiring and I always wished I could reach my destination faster so I could prepare the Holy Spirits messages presented in church well. Then one day the supernatural happened.

On one of those weekend drives to Suva, I departed early from Kashmir in Lautoka at 3am and I knew If I drove slowly I could be late.
As usual I prayed and asked for the Lords protection on the way. As I reached Sigatoka town after crossing the bridge a strange thing happened. I could see that I had reached a particular place on the road that was supposed to be far off. What I mean was a piece of the road was missing. I had not driven on it. I wondered what happened as I did not see that long stretch of road from Sigatoka bridge to the Korotogo round about. All of a sudden the Korotogo round about was in front of me. I had been travelling this road almost twice or three times a week and knew most of the land marks and buildings and road signs well. I knew for sure the stretch of road disappeared. One of my habits is when I arrive at a certain town I would pray and thank  the Lord for his protection, I would do the same as I drive leaving the town. I always go past Nadi, Sigatoka and Navua before I reach Suva and also return the same way. I always pray a lot when I am driving. On this particular trip I was astounded about the missing road. I knew for sure it was not there. 
Lezina and Lavi guarding the flying car
 After conducting the church service in Suva I returned to Lautoka the next day and noticed the part of the road that was not there when I came through from Lautoka to Suva. I pondered about this incident for a few days and kept asking the Lord what happened. On one of my trips to Suva, I was telling the incident to my wife and showing her the road. I know it’s a hard story to believe. 

On that day I related my story to my wife, I was shown a vision, that I was standing on the road side in the Korotogo end of the bridge wearing my white church clothes and I saw my car number FV244, flying through the air. It was so clear and unmistakable that it was my white car. I was in awe as I saw that and I praised the Lord in showing me what happened in my travel. I worship the Lord in reverence. 
Angels watching over the car

In God the Almighty nothing is impossible and there are a lot mysteries and the super natural things  that God Jehovah, God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit can do and show us as we work in his Heavenly Kingdom spreading his love and salvation to everyone. He is Mighty, the Wonderful Counsellor. The Creator of the Universe. 

I have often wondered about the Lord Jesus and Peter walking on water. Now I know it is a supernatural act of God, The Most High. He is an awesome and an amazing God and we should tell of his wonders. Truly there is no God like Jehovah. Please believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Give your life to him. He is there with you. Open the door of your heart and invite him to lead your life. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and dear Holy Spirit. God bless and thank you for reading this story and help us spread the Good News that the Lord Jesus Christ is with us.
Tutu with Gods blessings and the flying car.


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