The great tribulation

                                    THE GREAT TRIBULATION
                                              BY PENIEL GONDE
A vision of the great tribulation ,the revelation of the man of sin,
brother This is the message I want to share with you, it is a living revelation that the lord gave me that I had just experienced ,this vision was like a reality as if it was happening already in our world , brother this was something completely real something that is happening , in truth there is no word to describe the magnitude of these events, the vision that i have experience was like reality ,i saw this apocalyptic reality as if it had already happen ,i saw things that are about to befall this world, these are very serious and tremendous event , it was something never seen before, it was really devastating ,in this apocalyptic vision the world was not the same any more like today ,for there was no wind ,there was no movement ,when i looked at trees , i notice that everything was dry there was no sign of life ,everything was gray , it was deaf, because the holy spirit was already gone from the earth, my brothers when the spirit of god left the earth with those who have purified themselves and washed their garment ,the man of sin made everyone small and big ,rich and poor ,free and slaves to be put a mark on the right hand or their forehead ,and that none could buy or sell but the one who had the brand or the name of the beast or his number ,the bible say here is the wisdom he who has understanding counts the number of the beast, because his number is of man and his number is 666,in this vision of the end of time the lord through his holy spirit transported me in a land that seem desolate, all the landscape and atmosphere in this land was gray color ,i mean the place was lifeless and different from the world today ,it was like watching a black and white tv,everything seems like wrapped in ash and in snow, it was completely deprive of life and colored ,this was what the panorama of the land offer as a view,brother in this vision I could see that I was standing in a street if a town that seemed completely desolate and abandon , I could tell in distance that something has happen ,a major event has cause the population to abandoned the city,as if a disaster or something like a catastrophe had happened ,i thought something evil has happen for there was complete mess in the streets,when i looked at houses i saw that there were collapsed buildings to the right and to the left, and there were in front of me like a very big hole ,there were reed houses ,what also caught my attention is that when i look at my right hand , I saw countless people and i watch as they were running , it seems that they were escaping from something, and many of them were fleeing towards mountains in order to hide there and in the bush ,at that moment the lord through his holy spirit made me understand that the spirit of god was no longer in the land with the church and that his spirit had already left the earth ,basically it was made known to me by the lord that these people that were running to seek a place to hide were in times of the great tribulation ,it is written there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again,If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved, But for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened,
indeed when I looked to my right side as more or less about 10 to 15 meters , i could see a model of retired house ,and outside of that house there were many chairs, i mean white plastic chairs that were arranged for many people that were suppose to arrived ,in order to be supposedly register and recorded by the local authority ,i was observing this place when quickly I saw trucks and vans arriving ,these truck were full of people that were arrested ,they failed to escape the authority ,i saw these captives forming line and they were made to seat on these chairs,i saw that these people that were captured by the authority have agree to receive the mandatory device for their identification and localisation ,i saw that the authority were putting a device in their body ,they were in line going one by one to receive the device in the right hand, I saw that the authority were using something like a syringe or medical instrument in order to place the device in the back of the palm of the hand of these captive,i saw that officer were getting these devices from datasheet and they were inserting the device in the hand of those who were captured , the lord tells me,servant you must watch carefully ,all these people you see are waiting in the queue for the authority are placing the micro chip on them, it was that moment in this revelation that i remember how I was raising awareness among god people about this microchip issue,i remember the investigation I had done about this device called microchip ,I said everything i was suspecting is true ,for the microchip that is going to be implanted is the marked of the anti christ ,the microchip is the actual brand that will be put on the world population left behind ,
brothers in many country the microship is voluntary and optional ,on the contrary ,in the aftermath of the rapture of the church the authority will make it mandatory, I saw that they were marking those people , I saw that as soon as these captives were marked they were moving away from this place free ,for they were no longer captive , then within those people who were there sitting in the waiting place I saw my mother ,she was there sitting in one of the chairs , I went to this place and called her In a discreet way, I signaled to her so that she would see me ,then she came to me and I stood behind a rock so that they won't notice that I was there ,Then I started talking with my mom , I said mother everything you are seeing and living right now has not yet happens ,i told my mother' what you are seeing is a revelation that the lord is giving for the latter times, but it is coming, I tell my mom the lord will reveal the same to you,just prepare, my mother made me a sign with her head that it was fine ,and then I said ,mother ,there is this house by the side on left , please hide yourself in this place ,quickly my mother went to hide ,when she went to that house I didn't see her anymore, then I started to see from far vans and trucks were coming full of people that were arrested ,the officer who drove these trucks were military ,these soldiers drove all those vehicles and passed to the left side and they turned and enter the sector where they had these bunch of people who were in line,then the lord tells me, my servant walk forward for there is one person there around the sidewalk where there is a dirt in the road,when we walk there ,at that moment when I cross the street and move forward where the lord indicated ,i saw in front of me on my left a very large field , on the field was a character that caught my attention , he was dressed completely in white and he had a belt like gold ,in which there was a round buckle and in the middle of that buckle I could see something like horns with something ike an animal figure on that belt ,and I could see the physical appearance of this figure,this character was like about one meter 85 tall and he had beard ,i mean he was very bearded,so he appoached to see me and he was smiling,he said, my son , I know you ,straight away I told him ,sir ,I rebuke you , and I am not your son,then the spirit of god tells me, he wants to show you his face with the appearance of kindness , the appearance of mercy ,but he is the evil leader ,he is the one who will rule the world ,he is the world leader who is going to go out to introduce himself to humanity very soon,the lord tell me, soon people will see him,and I could see him , Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness the son of destruction is revealed,He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship, So he will seat himself in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God,when I was moving and looking away from him , i saw that he was completely in white, then I continue to walk in my path, I was walking and I was going through that sidewalk that had dirt ,as i continue my way ahead in this path I ran into a friend, we had worked together in a company back in the past ,when I saw him he was fleeing in despair running away from the military officer ,he did not look good there ,in this place I saw the movement of thousands of people who ran in despair, for everyone was running away from the beast and his mark, the holy spirit made me understand that these people that were left behind already knew the truth about the great tribulation , they had already red in the bible about all that will happen after the rapture and the mark of the beast that will become mandatory,they knew this was going to come that's why people were terrified and running away from the soldier of this world dictator ,and they didn't get caught ,my former work mate was running away and I try to talk to him ,i asked him what happened to you where are you going and tell me ,he said before the rapture of the church i red this part of the bible that talked about the seal of the anti christ ,and about what was going to happen ,but i did not take it seriously I ignored it ,now it has happened,I have to go ,i saw that he ran and he carried like three children by the hand ,i saw that he was running with his relatives that were with him,he ran away and he left me , as i continue moving in that path on the way the spirit of god to me in the air,He took me to a place that seems to be a convent,we went down to that place and it was a very long hall , as stony as in the East,the pavement of the road was not like cement they were like stones , when we stopped in that hall the lord told me,my servant observe both sides of the hall, the right and left side , as we were moving in this hall, I was watching both sides of the hall and I could see that the place was like a convent,they were nuns were sitting on chairs and before desk and they were like typing and writting on sheet , they were dressed with what we call cross garment , I don't have the name but they were dressed in black and the banks of their clothes were white and everything that covered their head was white ,when I was going through that place they kept writing ,I kept observing them as we were walking with the lord ,i was looking at the sides and the spirit of god was telling me , servant they are preparing everything as they are waiting for the man of sin , they are going to receive the antichrist , they are preparing to receive the lawless one ,the lord said the antichrist has taken possession of this religion,speaking of Catholicism he says the antichrist has taken possession of this religion for being the universal church ,and for being the one that promotes many negative things ,when we were walking down that hall at the end of that hallway the lord took me again in the air ,and he made me descend into a place like a college and when we got to that school ,I could see some children playing in that school ,they wore uniform of blue colour with a square blouse something like that, then I got close to a girl thay was like 12 years of age or ,she was smiling and she tells me ,have you come for us to free us from this place and take us from here,I was wondering ,and then the lord says all these children that are in this religious and Catholic school are abused ,the lord told me this is a Catholic school but within this same convent all these children suffer abuse from all the priests that live here,they are abused ,but these priest will one day be in front of me said the lord, when these children approached me they asked me help ,they wanted me to rescue them from that place ,I said lord I don't want to be here anymore sir, get me out of this place I can't stand and endured seeing the suffering little ones,the lord understood my heart and took me out of that place ,he raised me towards the air over buenos aires ,finally the image of this vision began move away getting smaller and smaller untill it was completely erased ,brother it was a tremendous vision that affected me ,the lord said through his holy spirit as soon as my spirit leave the land many children are going to be destroyed by satan many children are going to be abused by satan and his envoys, the lord told me for that you have to be prepared because time is very short and there is no more time left,time is over ,we are living in times of mercy and grace of our lords , we have to endured so many things because the lord still love us and we are at the time of grace get in touch with the lord This  is what I wanted to share with you ,this was a living revelation that the Lord gave me ,I was experiencing it as if it was happening , my brothers this was something completely real that there are no word to describe it because it was very serious ,something that was very really ugly because there was no windy there was no movement, in trees, everything was dry everything was gray everything was dead,because the holy spirit was already gone from th earth,this is what I wanted share with each of you ,God bless you, amen,

Taken from a face book post by Peniel Gonde on 2/1/2019


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