
Showing posts from January, 2020

Live and Walk in the Spirit

Joyful members of the Kingdom Christian Leadership Ministry "If we live in the Spirit. let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:25. Always a joy and uplifting to cover stories in churches. People are happy and contented. Smiles everywhere. The message are always powerful and are a blessing. Spirit filled speakers. Covering at the Kingdom Christian Leadership Ministry at Forster Street Walu Bay Suva. God bless saints. After church fellowship Pastor Daniel Lobhendahn Junior with members after service.

Experience in Hell

Experience in hell A true life story of a 24-Year-old lady, Taken from a facebook post. I was raped by a supposed friend (someone I thought I could trust). I was embarrassed and shocked. I couldn't tell anyone about my terrible experience. I kept it for me and followed my normal life. A few weeks later, after returning from a vigil, I started feeling weak, so I went to a nearby hospital and did some tests. For my biggest surprise, say positive to pregnancy. I told the man involved that after many pleas he convinced me to have an abortion that will be kept secret. I went to an abortion; however, before the procedure, I asked God to forgive me for what I was about to do and, in the process I died, I left my body. Still looking at the lifeless form at the abortion table, I started to ascend, but in an instant a force pushed me down through a dark tunnel. I couldn't see the beginning or end of the tunnel walls. It was dark, so dark, I saw cobwebs like cells on the walls and

Bless our mothers

                                                             Bless our mothers                                                                By Elia Vesikula Tailevu family selling in Suva Fiji. Dear beloved children of God. I was passing by GICL BSP Bank Bank building in Samabula yesterday 9/1/20 and came across this family selling bu and bila on the side. What caught my attention was the little girl, about a year old seen on the mothers lap with only a diaper and child's vast on, had crawled out on to the pathway as children do. I carried baby back to her busy mum and had a chat. I was touched because I know the difficult times we are facing in Fiji and mothers are out in  Suva even with their own children to try and make some money for their livelihood in the blistering Suva heat. Bu for three dollars and bila for $1.00 a beautiful combination for a snack or quick breakfast. Lets reach out to our mothers battling for life on our streets. Writer Elia Vesik

A discussion on Ephesians 5:1-33

                              A DISCUSSION ON EPHESIANS 5:1-33                                                 BY ELIA VESIKULA, PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST   FOR PAULS WRITING IN EPHESIANS. AND FOR THIS TIME OF SHARING ON In Ephesians: 5:1. Discussion.Paul urge us to follow God, and to love like the Lord loved us as gave his life for us. I always see the Lord Jesus as sacrificial love. He died to save us. What does that mean in earthly terms. What does it mean in heavenly terms. Ephesians 5:1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. VERSSE 1 ELABORATION What is Jesus example of Lord Jesus love. He walked among people, cared for them, healed them, taught them about the Kingdom of God, forgave them, disciplined them and died for them. Encouraging us to do the same. EPHESIANS:5:2 Pauls teaching gainst

The great tribulation

                                    THE GREAT TRIBULATION                                                  BY PENIEL GONDE                                                        2/1/2020 A vision of the great tribulation ,the revelation of the man of sin, brother This is the message I want to share with you, it is a living revelation that the lord gave me that I had just experienced ,this vision was like a reality as if it was happening already in our world , brother this was something completely real something that is happening , in truth there is no word to describe the magnitude of these events, the vision that i have experience was like reality ,i saw this apocalyptic reality as if it had already happen ,i saw things that are about to befall this world, these are very serious and tremendous event , it was something never seen before, it was really devastating ,in this apocalyptic vision the world was not the same any more like today ,for there was no wind ,there was no mo