By Elia Vesikula.

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I thank the Lord Jesus who is the Way. The Truth and The Life.
For a long time over 10 years of waiting before the Lord I witnessed my  family saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. This means to have brothers and sisters accept our saviour the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.
It took many years of praying and waiting for the Lord to be able to reach my brothers, sisters, nephews and aunts and uncles to come to the Lord. To make the decision to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. I was overjoyed and glorified God. It was something I thought was going to be impossible.
As in Psalms 40:1-2 I waited  patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. (Psalms 40:1-2 

Elia Vesikula at the service in Naduru in Kuku
As a family we faced difficulties and problems  and was sure that Jesus was the only solution and salvation for us.
Like most I Taukei families there was educational problems with our children dropping out and dropping in. They were not successful with high marks to move on to university or be able to secure top jobs.
We have land but it is not utilized well to yield good returns to take us away from poverty. The land seems infertile. We were not utilising the land well. This was due to a lot of reasons. Laziness and ignorance being two of them. My family were true vanua people committed to the ideology of vanua a word meaning, people, traditions, culture, customs, land and the institutions of the land. We spend so much effort and resources on the “vanua” In a way it impoverished us.

Family members who gave their lives to Christ.

Family relationships broke down and family and husband and wives splitting was common and was embarrassing to the  family and the villagers. We were engaged in adultery and  was a breach of Matthew 5: 27.
You have heard that it was said , “ Do not commit adultery.” But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. The family’s reputation was trodden in the mud.
Excessive alcohol and kava drinking was rife and took us way from the Lord Jesus. We were blinded by worldly lusts.
Isaiah 28:7
But they have also erred through wine and through strong drink and out of the way: through strong drink they erred in vision the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they stumble in judgement. For all the tables are full of vomit and filthiness so there is no place clean whom shall he teach knowledge.
We thought what we did was normal life and we did not think that all these was wrong and it was the devils doing and we allowed it. We went to church but it was all superficial as we did not know the truth. We were not happy as a family. We could not unite. We could not work together. Things just went wrong. But the solutions was in the bible in Psalms 34:12-14. “Do you want to enjoy life? Do you want to have many happy days? Then avoid saying anything hurtful, and never let a lie come out of your mouth. Stop doing anything evil, and do good. Look for peace, and do all you can to help people live peacefully.” Psalm:34:12-14.

Elia and Samu Vesikula, Amelia Vesikula  laying hands on family member Mareca Nasi Vesikula.
I and my family slowly pulled out from my big family to seek the Lord Jesus Christ in 2004.
My family is a normal big Fiji family of 13 siblings with different viewpoints and ideas. Most of my family members are Methodists.  
However for me and my immediate family, we had joined another denomination for the last 15 years. We have always prayed hard and earnestly for our family members to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.
However we were treated like outcasts some times because of our new found faith in Christ. These did not discourage us as we continue to remain loyal with the Lord Jesus in our new church.
There was a lot of difference in opinion and the family tried to remain united in tradition, customs and respect for one another, a legacy left behind by our Christian and teaching parents. Like most Fijian family our vanua, tradition and culture was very important living very little room for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our culture and tradition was holding us back from truly worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ and our walk with the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:6 rings true for us. We were earthly minded.
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, Because the carnal minded is an enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God and nether indeed can be so . So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.(Romans 8:6,

Female members of the family after the church in Naduru in Kuku,
Although we were going to church on Sundays in our villages our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ was superficial and the message from the pulpits did not help much. We did not know the truth. We were all in religion. While the family had a lot of land belonging to them in the village, very little was earned from as most of my family members were still subsistence farmers and very little finance to show for the large land that belong to the family.

We always sense that something was lacking. poverty was upon us and we could not work together on development projects to lift our family standard of living.
Our children had a very high dropout rate from school and were not getting good job opportunities.
While we tried to be faithful to our vanua and try and maintain good relationship with our relatives, the hard times did not spare us.
About a year ago my family in the village started to have Saturday church service,

Pastor Samuela Vesikula

 I had continued my journey for the Lord in my new church based in Cunningham in Suva. The church emphasized Holiness and Righteousness of God. We advocated that God is with us and our families. We faced difficult and challenging times but we kept up with prayers.

We had all night prayers and had devotion in the mornings and evenings and on every occasion. 
I had been working with some church groups and ministries across denomination to deepen my walk with God and help spread the word about the Lord Jesus. I had some commitments with Capitol Ministry, Mountain Movers prayer group, World Healing Church, and Christian Kingdom Leadership Church. I am so thankful for their support. I have been very busy and had no time to visit my family in the village. I was discouraged by their lax attitude about God and the Holy Spirit

Tala Elia and SAmuela Vesikula laying hands on Inisa Vesikula
Then God answered our prayers. I was a sleep one night and saw a vision of me standing in front of my brothers and preaching to them and issued them a warning. The warning was if they did not listen or obey Gods word and what I said, God will start to destroy and kill. I was shocked by these words. My wife heard me uttering these words loudly in my sleep but she said that what she heard was not my normal voice but an authoritative heavy voice. I could also hear that voice. It was three days later that my wife asked me about the voice and what I said. She repeated what I said and I confirmed that I also heard the voice coming from me although I was asleep which means I was a wake. Glory to God.
The same week, I attended a bible study and the pastor that prayed prophesied in prayer and said that I should go to my family and take the word of God to them. I was surprised as I did not tell him about my vision. However I was obedient and went to my family to tell them about the vision and also to warn them. I was amazed and glory to the Holy Spirit that many of my family members came to the service and gave their life to the Lord Jesus Christ

Elia Vesikula at Toga service in Tailevu
This story taught me never to give up praying for your family and to always be obedient to God. I pray to the Lord Jesus for this to happen to all families in Fiji. We elders have a role to play for Gods purpose in our families. Those that are yet to be saved. If it happens to my family it can also happen to yours. We wish you blessings from Gods family to mine and to yours  Give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit lead your life today. JESUS CHRIST WILL RECEIVE YOU IF YOU COME TO HIM.
Jesus said, Whoever comes to me I will never cast him out (John 6:37). This was why He came to earth—to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). It does not matter what you have done, Jesus still wants you to come to Him. He said, I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32).



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