Instruction against sexual immorality

                                    Instructions against sexual immorality
Ist Thessalonians:4:2-7
2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. 3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honourable, 5 not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; 6 and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.
How God Defines and View Adultery
Matthew 5: 27.You have heard that it was said , “ Do not commit Adultery.” But I tell you that anyone that looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
What we fixed our gaze or eyes and mind upon for a long time engages and arouses the heart of a person wether a man or woman no matter the status or position of life you are in .
King David got himself trapped and fell in Sin because of this and so was Samson even Abraham the Father of Faith. Abraham was enticed by His very wife Sarah because they were childless. Even though it was legal in those days that a person can have concubines but still that does not mean it was right for Abraham to do that.
It used to be a joke in Bible College to have Concubines because our Father of Faith practiced it
Guess what some students that we studied with are no longer in the ministry now

Proverbs 4: 23, 25; 26; 27 . Above all else guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth, keep corrupt talk from our lips.
Let your eyes look straight a head, fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or left:keep your foot from evil.
 Itis very Deceptive .
Friends I believe the Breakdown of many marriages today is primarily rooted in LUST
Lust by definition is a very strong sexual Desire, Sexual Longing, Sexual Passion.
A Person is Consumed with a desire for sex outside of the scriptural parameters.
31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. SALVATION
It is an uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire. A passionate or overmastering desire or craving and usually followed by for illicit sex.
Lust is first birthed in the mind and the heart of a person ( Infatuations ) A person pictures himself or herself with dirty and vulgar images of sexual encounters with someone. It is an unquenchable desire for sex.
IT IS A BAD DESIREIt is a Sinful Desire
Sex is a God given gift and is given by God to be enjoyed within the confines and boundaries of a married life and it is the only place where lust is used in a healthy way , otherwise it is a sin if someone is committing adultery with another person outside of the marriage boundaries.
Anyone or a person falling in sin in an adulterous relationship is due to uncontrolled and undisciplined sexual desires that is unhealthy and harmful to the soul a lustful attitude.
Society today is just wildly infested with lifestyles that easily entice and traps a person to be a victim of Lust. Social Media, TV, Fashion World, Hollywood, Sad to mention that our Churches snd Christians are also the biggest Victims. )
Lust and Fornication, Adultery and Divorcees are on the rise both in the world and the churches today and we need to address it wisely and take serious biblical and godly steps to help families, children and young adults and adults to be able to overcome this evil in the days we live in. (people get hooked on pornography and drug abuse because of Lust... it has gripped a person’s heart so strongly that he or she longs to satisfy the deep cravings in her or his heart. It is no longer controllable and is becomes a chronic sex animal.
Lust can be controlled and overcomed
Jesus gave the Solution ( vv 29 - 30 ) A Person has to make some Strong Choices to be able to be set free from this vice.
Some steps to take that could help a Victim of Lust:
1. Avoid tempting situations. You decide to win early by staying away from Traps.( Not all Social Events and Gatherings are Good because some and most of these events are infested with hungry and immoral sharks that will devour your life and family..... So Beware and Be Wise
2. Think and Consider,Calculate Analyze the Consequences.
3. Avoid Pornography .
4. Use Social Media with Caution.
5. Question your Intent.... why am I doing this? Is it sinful or godly? Healthy or Harmful ? Edifying or Destructive? What are Costs to me?
6. For married couples practice Sexual Intimacy.
7. Cultivate and Develop a Consistent Prayer Life snd Fasting . Reading and Meditating on the Word. Practice what you Learn.
8. Consider and be selective of the friends you choose to gang out with.
9. Keep High Standards - Self Discipline in all areas of life. Make good, noble, godly and moral choices everyday wherever you are.
10. Redirect Your Passion- Rather was then being controlled by untamed lust direct that passion in positive directions . Use that energy to brainstorm with a friend or your wife about ways you can be a blessing. Focus on things that will make the world a better place, like volunteering at a homeless shelter, Coach a youth sports team, mentor troubled youths , take up a sport etc. The list is endless where you can use up your time, life and energy to glorify God in your Body and be free from Lust.
End of Story


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