Street dwellers in Nausori Fiji.

I was in Nausori at 3am Saturday morning 5/10/19 and was shocked to see a whole i taukei family on the street on pieces cardboard and some blankets right on a veranda near a bank. Had a chat with them but wont disclose village and names. There is four in the family. 

The man who is the oldest in his late 7O and the wife is also around that age with her rag dress and sleeping in her gumboots to fight the cold whether and the pavement. They have a son who at 32 is till in diaper. He was also sleeping with them but he covered himself over with his blanket, obviously embarrassed about the conversation about him.I did not ask about the diaper, may be later. Their grandson Peni was also sleeping with them. He goes to school in early primary. We gave them some breakfast of roti and pie and tea with money given by a passing driver. We thank the caring attitude by the driver. 

I am posting these to urge us to love one another in our society. God has brought us together under one nation as one family. I know people neglected like this family are in some of our homes. Please love them, speak good words to them. Do not growl at them or push them out. There is child abuse but elder abuse is just as worse. Old people people are continually abused. A survey by some of my students in journalism showed elders, bank cards are stolen with pin numbers because they are now have failing memories. Their food ration is taken by family members and the elderly are starved in their own home. Their allowance are also taken from them. Our team spoke to the elders. It is a sad reflection for our country and I do not blame anyone for it. For those looking after their elders and children well, we are proud of you.
 A mark of a good christian or a good person is the one that not only looks after his own family but others also.God will provide. We also met an 86 year old that morning and took him home. We knocked on the family door and it was raining, cold and windy. I saw the old mans old wheel chair in the veranda and was thankful he had one. I heard a voice from inside. Ok will leave him there, will open the door. So I left. I know in Tailevu we can do better than that. It was 4 am. 
This story is not about me but an appeal to all of us. Family hold us together. Children are God’s gift so are the elderly who have worked so hard in their life time to get us where we are and to give us our beautiful families. Jesus said the poor will always be with you and I always add to his words...we should something about it. Love is always beautiful but it can be also painful. The Lord showed it in Calvary and I know you have it in you that we can also love others starting from our homes. A blessed Sunday for you and family, but for me for now a teary one. God bless you. If you would like to assist in the spreading love to the street dwellers you can email eliavesikuka@gmail,com or call me on 7648899
By Elia Vesikula. Fiji.


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