Lord Jesus glorious manifestation heals 25 year old daughter.

           Lord Jesus Christ glorious manifestation heals 25 year old daughter.
                                                          By Elia Vesikula

My daughter Inisa had a difficult time before she had her first baby. She felt very sick during her early month of her pregnancy with all the complications that comes with bearing a new born. We thank God for his healing on her but this is the story of her and the family’s painful journey as a testimony of Gods healing. We want to share our family’s experience with yours to know that God loves you and wants to heal you.
My daughter Inisa was 25 years old. She was in unbearable head, stomach and body pains. She was crying in pain most of the time. She would mourn and cry in agony at nights. Her pillows were always soaked with all her tears.
We took her to hospital so many times. She would be admitted at the Antenatal clinic in Suva and would be discharged again after a few days and sometimes she was only in hospital overnight and was discharged in the morning.
We kept praying for her at home. We would pray during our morning, lunch time, and evening devotions asking for Gods healing. We would pray all the time. Night time was the worst time for her and she suffered with pain and would be wailing at night.  She had sleepless nights and we also stayed awake with her. While we believed in God the Lord Jesus healing power the whole family was shaken. I was not able to focus at work as I have to go to hospital all the time and take care of her welfare. Sometimes we would sleep at the hospital car park waiting for her being treated in hospital. Sometimes we would take her to hospital late at night or early hours of the morning.
When she is home my wife would continually attend to her and she also had sleepless nights trying to comfort her. The family tried to comfort her in her most difficult time.
She was given medication from hospital but it did not help quickly. She lost a lot of weight and became very thin. I am a non- medical person and did not understand the cause of her agony

    Inisa with baby Vilavi and my wife and Ratu preparing for church in better times. 

We continued praying earnestly with faith and ask for Gods healing. We would take turns with my son sitting outside her room praying for her at nights. We would hear her crying as my wife tries to comfort her.

Inisa called me about three times and asked for my family’s forgiveness for her life. She was saying she was feeling near death and had wanted to bid us goodbye three times, as she was feeling very weak. Her energy was zapped. We strengthened her with words from the bible and told her not to give up as God would heal her.

We believed in what God said to the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah: 41:10
“Do not be afraid, I am with you. I am your God. Let nothing terrify you. I will make you strong and help you. I will protect you and save you.”
 The days turned to weeks and went on to months. Her pain lingered on. Everyone at home was affected as we were helpless and could not help her. She was bearing per pains alone. She was vomiting out all the food she was eating and was growing thin and frail. Her skin colour changed from her lovely brown skin to being very fare.
We kept pleading with God. I had a grandson Ratu who was two years old and he was also praying with us and went with me everywhere as we tried to seek a solution to my daughters sickness. Initially we thought these were the sickness that happened to pregnant women. It was my daughter’s first baby but the sickness was beyond what use to happen to pregnant women.

                                  Little Ratu always supporting us in prayers

I was thankful of the support in prayers that my church at the One World Healing Church in Cunningham, Suva were giving us. The prayers were from our church leader and the levites.
 They prayed for my daughter. They were releasing the bondages as they saw visions of the evil forces binding my daughter’s life. We relied in Gods words in Isaish:41:13.
I am the Lord your God. I strengthen you and tell you, Do not be afraid, I will help you”.
Inisa’s pain continued but we kept praying not losing hope. We would have devotion in her room and sang gospel songs to the Lord Jesus pleading for her healing when she was able to have some moments of rest from her pain. We thank the Lord for the sickness and the challenge in front of us. We kept searching the scriptures for words of encouragement. We would stick up bible verses on the walls of our room and read them to encourage us as we went through these difficult times.
My wife who was a prayerful person would call me at work either to rush my daughter to hospital or to bring her back from hospital. We also had to take things to her when she was admitted. This was happening weekly. I tried to balance my busy job in the office with trying to help my daughter healed again.  We were thankful I had a sister who was a nurse and had daughters who were also nurses that helped us during this period. We were so thankful to  God Jehovah and the Lord Jesus and the comforting Holy Spirit for guiding us as our protector, helper and shield. We knew we had no one else to turn to but God to see us through this dark time. We placed our trust in Jesus as in Romans 5:5.“This hope does not disappoint us, for God has poured out his love in to our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit who is God’s gift to us.”
My daughter was not able to eat as she was vomiting every time she eats. She ate very little fruit and was suffering from dehydration and had to be continually dripped at the hospital.
 My daughter said she felt something blocking the food she was eating in her throat when she always swallowed her food.
Our church leader who had the gift of vision saw a crucifix tied around her neck. They prayed for the removal of the crucifix and she slowly began to eat.
We continually thanked God for the signs of healing returning. We were relieved and were very happy to see signs of her recovering. Inisa kept praying and we all kept praying not giving up.
As the psalmist said in Psalm:6:5-6 The Lord hears my weeping, He listens to my cry for help and will answer my prayer.

I kept going to church and preaching Gods words but my daughter’s sickness affected me and was always in the foremost of my mind. I was teaching at a university and sometimes shared my family experience with my students as to encourage them as they go through trials. My daughter’s sickness also affected my work.
We had to move my daughter to another home hoping she would be comfortable as they have some nurses there and they were her cousins as well. She stayed with them for a few weeks and wanted to return home and her sickness continued.

And then the miraculous healing happened one day. A boy from church visited one day, His name is Benjamin. When he came home, my grandson Ratu who was two years old went and brought our guitar from the prayer room and asked that they sing a few songs. While they were singing my daughter Inisa who was in her room saw a white light in a figure of a person came through the walls of the sitting room and laid hands on the two boys singing. My daughter Inisa was feeling sorry about herself thinking why the figure did not lay hands on her. She thought she must have a sinful life and not worthy to be laid hands upon by this human figure in a form of light. This was the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ who has heard our prayers and visited personally. What a loving God? Inisa said the light was the type of light she had never seen before. As she was contemplating her sinful state the white light came through the walls of her cement room and laid hands on her. She felt the power of God went through her. Inisa was completely healed. The white light figure the Lord Jesus Christ also laid his hands on her stomach. My daughter started to eat again and the sickness left her. It was a miraculous healing and we praise, exalt, and glorify God Almighty, The Holy One, The Holy Dazzling Sulphur, God Jehovah, God the Holy Spirit and God Jesus Christ for the miraculous healing on my daughter Inisa. She gave birth to a healthy lovely daughter and her name is Vilavi. She never stops clapping and praising God at her tender age when someone sings a gospel song or praises God. She does this by dancing and lifting her hands and clapping in her babyish ways. We saw the anointing and blessings of God in her life since birth

As in Psalm 5:11.“But all who find safety in you will rejoice: they can always sing for joy. You protect those who love you because of you they are truly happy.”
Let us praise the Lord Jesus for our pains and also for our blessings. He is our protector, our shield and comforter in times of trouble.
Psalm 5:12 says. “You bless those who obey you. Your love protects them like a shield.”
Inisa now works in the Fiji government and her daughter Vilavi is a healthy and is now 3 years old and a delight to the family and everyone. Thanks to the mighty healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For those that have not received the Lord Jesus Christ I strongly urge you accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. Pray and ask the Lord to forgive of your sins. Invite him in to your heart to lead your life through faith in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus. Do this and the Holy Spirit will guide you for the rest of your life tiil you reach eternal life with him in heaven. God bless dearest beloved of God. If you need guidance or discuss about the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a story on my blog eliavesikula@blogspot.com that is titled “Salvation through the Lord Jesus the only way”. This story has the steps that will guide you to giving your life to the Lord Jesus Christ so you can share in his glory of eternal life with him. God bless again beloved and thank you for visiting this blog and please leave a comment about this story or about this blog.

Elia Vesikula and Vini Vesikula with grandaughter Vilavi at home after prayers.

Elia Vesikula


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