
Gods plans

God’s Plans By Elia Vesikula Isaiah 55: 8-9 says, “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'” Sometimes it takes weeks, months, or even years to understand what God is doing, and sometimes we might never fully know until we reach eternity with Him. What remains constant through the trials and uncertainty is that God is good no matter the storm circling around you. The Truth About God The Lord is our protector and has our best interest in mind throughout everything He does. He is always working on our behalf through the good and the bad that life throws our way. As children of God, we can stand confidently on the truths that: God will always provide. God works in His timing. God is faithful to His promises. God’s way is better than our ways. God is always good.

Holy Spirit Message to Fiji

Holy spirit message to Fiji. By Elia Vesikula for the Holy Spirit. Sa mana and greetings in the name of the God Jehovah The Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Comforter the Holy Spirit. We praise the Most High God. The Holy Dazzling Sulphur. God Almighty and our loving God the Most High, The Heavenly One, The Most Powerful One, for his eternal love and blessings. Thank you for joining us…. and I pray that our circumstances happening now in Fiji has boosted our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is written that without faith it is impossible to please God. We thank God for sharing the spiritual gift of faith with us. We thank you for your faith. Faith is something that grows in us. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. With the Holy Spirit…. Urging… I have decided to post this message and…. I hope it will bless and strengthen all of us. Part of this message has been posted in our news site called VERSY MEDIA Fiji and have also posted in my blog eliavesikula@

Smashing of Fiji 2013 Constituion. A vision by Elia Vesikula: A video clip.

Prophecy on Donald Trump by Prophet Kim Clement (RIP)

Prophecy on Donald Trump by Prophet Kim Clement (RIP) Now a President I will bring In to the White House. They will say he is unGodly. He does not know God. But even Jesus disguised himself for the great feast. So I have disguised this mans heart and when he comes to the White House , not only shall he be mine, that he shall pray like a man that has never prayed in the White House. Is anybody excited about this.That same man, that same man that the Spirit of God shall put his foot on to this platform, God says they will say. How did this take place. Laws shall be changed. Young man and young woman will have access in to the Kingdom and with authority, in to policies and with authority in the industries controlled by darkness.Because this man shall rule for another two terms, God said for two terms. The Lord says do not fear for the Lord says there will be no unnecessary stuff. But there are things that men will question. Fear not you will sit in that seat and suddenly my Spirit sh

666 chip

RATUS VISION ON THE CHIP, the mark of the Beast. Written by Elia Vesikula as received from narration. Praise the Lord. 1. Oqo e dua na rai E vakaraitaki ni sa biuta o Elon Musk e na qavokavoka nei Tutu na chip ni 666. E a qai masu o Tutu ka kerea na veitaqomaki ni Kalou. E qai cila mai e dua na rarama ka vakarusa na ka e cakava tiko o Elon Musk vaka kina na chip. Actuality 2 Na ka e yaco tiko e na gauna oqo e Viti, e sa tekivu na kabani nei Elon Mask na Starlink me vakayagtaki e na vakau ni tukutuku. Na Star Link e kabani nei Elon Mask. Raica na yaca ni kabani kei na yaca I kena I taukei. 2.Na yacana o Elon Musk. E dodonu me Elon Mask. E vakamatavulo tu mai. 3.E da sa kerea ga na veitaqomaki ni Kalou e na noda dui bula yadudua. Praise the Lord. Reflection 1.E vakayagtaki o Tutu me vakaraitaka ni na yaco na vei ka oqo e na gauna ga e sa bula tiko ga kina o Tutu. O Tutu e vakaraitaka ga ni tamata se kawa I Taukei se kai Viti. Na tadra e dau vakayagataka na (symbolism). E vakayaga

Dream on forced injection By Elia Vesikula

Dream; 18/5/2024. I saw a dream at about 6:30am the morning of Saturday 18th MAY 2O24, of nursers coming around home forcibly injecting people with out their consent. They were Fijian nursers in blue and white uniforms. They came to a house I was staying while I was doing some work outside and they said in I Taukei, ‘Sa tekivu sara ga oqo” It starts now. They took my arm and injected it. It was my left arm. The nurse who injected me was my own sister who was a staff nurse who passed away a few years ago in Suva. I did not know other nurses. I complained to my sisters that I was fasting, trying to tell her that I was weak but they kept on injecting me as the needle was in my arm for a long time, and I notice some thing like gas coming out of my arm as they punctured the skin. I was dressed in my usual white long pants and white shirt.The nurses came in transport and equipment with them. They were well equipped and were mobile so they can move easily and inject the people. A leading ac


OWHC PRESENTATION 20/4/24 E na veivakauqeti Ni YaloTABU. By Elia Vesikula 1Welcome the Holy Spirit. E ra kidavaki na Yalo Tabu ni Kalou. Na Kalou Levu ko Jiova, Na Kalou Levu ko Jisu Karisito kei na Kalou Levu na YaloTabu. 2.E da kidavaka na Yalo Tabu ni Kalou e na keda maliwa. Praise the Lord. 3.Me da tekivu e na noda rogoca…. e so na yacadra se na I cavuti e vakatokai ki vei ira. 4.Na yaca ni Kalou e tu vata… na kena I balebale, ka tukuna na Kaukauwa ni Kalou kei na ka… e ra dau vakayacora.. kei na ka e rawa ni vakayacora e na nodaru bula e na veisiga ni mataka. 5.Ni ko vakabauta… ka cavuta tiko na yacadra… e na nomu masu e na yaco vei iko…. na vei ka e tiko e na I balebale ni yacadra se kedra I cavuti. 6.YAWHE. HE IS GOD. NA KALOU KO YAWEH Gods nature never changes. He is and will always be. 7.He is who HE is. That what his name Jehovah means I am. 8.Sa ira na Kalou; Sa ira… sa ira ga. E ra tukuna vua na Parofita Levu na Qase o Mosese… Oi