
Brace Yourselves by Tony Alamo Ministries.

BRACE YOURSELVES by Tony Alamo: Alamo Christian Ministries Worldwide:P. O. Box 2948Hollywood: CA 90078 Any time now, a worldquake and a series of prophesied catastrophes will shockingly awaken the entire global population to a horrible, God-sent, unparalleled nightmare. Shortly after this event, two more disasters in the form of two large meteorites will follow, causing more destruction than many hydrogen bombs. One will smash into the ocean, destroying a third of it, including the life therein. It will actually turn the water to blood and, of course, destroy all life and every ship within its realm (Revelation 8:8-9). The second meteorite will barrel into and flatten a great part of an entire continent, polluting a third of the rivers and fountains, making them poisonous (Wormwood). Many men will die of these waters.2 Following this, an estimated two billion people—one-third of the earth’s population—will be killed by fire, smoke, and lava-like brimstone (Revelation 9:15-19). Once the...

The drug problem & Solution by Elia Vesikula

END TIMES Fiji:26/2/2025 The drug problem and solution. By Elia Vesikula The government is trying its best to solve the growing crisis of drugs and HIV & cases in Fiji and other social issues. There have been a lot of conferences and action to solve the problem but the issue is still escalating. We have not heard from those leading the fight against drugs that God can solve the problem. Let the Lord lead our fight, he has got a bigger and more powerful army than our police and army combined. We are relying on man's power and knowledge. I suggest we take the bible verse Chronicles 7:14 seriously and take the problem to God Jesus Christ. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ can solve the problem. Note the bible verse below. If people who are called by my name" is a phrase most commonly referencing the Bible verse Chronicles 7:14, which says "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I ...

End Times Message by Elia Vesikula

VERSY MEDIA RELEASE END TIMES MESSAGE Message 1225. Compiled and Presented by Elia Vesikula Source; Holy Bible, New Testament, Final Testament. 1.Praising God. 2.Me da vakacerecereya, ka vakalagilagia ka vosa Vinaka taka mada na noda Kalou. Na Kalou Levu ko Jiova, Naa Kalou Levu ko Jisu Karisito kei na Kalou Levu na Yalo Tabu. Praise the Lord Jesus. 3Psalms 100 4.Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 5.Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 6.Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 7.Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  8.For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. 9.VAKAVITI 10.Dou kaila ena reki vei Jiova, na vuravura taucoko. 11.Dou sokalou vei Jiova ena marau; lako mai e matana ena sere marautaki. 12.Mo ni kila ni sa Kalou o Jiova. Sai koya ga sa buli ke...

Na rai me baleta na vakacaca e na noda dela ni yavu. E vola ko Elia Vesikula

Na rai me baleta na vakacaca e na noda dela ni yavu. E vola ko Elia Vesikula (1/2/25) Au vakakurabuitaki e na dua na tadra ka au raici kina e dua na vakacaca ka yaco e na dua na vale ni soqo e na dua na koro e na noda vanua. Au raica ni ra dabe tu e cake na qase ka vaka e yaco tiko e dua na bose e na loma ni vale ni soqo. E ra qai curu mai na lala cauravou i taukei e na koro vata ga o ya ka mai vakasaurara taki ira na qase me ra taura vakaukauwa na nodra i lavo na qase. E dua na qase ka vutuniyau ka dabe toka e cake e luvati vakaukauwa vua ana Kaloko koula e daramaka tu. E ra tucake tu ga na ilawalawa oqo ka ra sega ni rokovi na qase me vaka na kena ivakarau e na noda tikotiko Vaka Viti.. E ra lako vaka ilawalawa ma me vaka beka na “gang members” ka da dau raici mai valagi Ni oti o ya ko ira vata ga nai lawalawa cauravou vata ga o ya e ra qai tuva vinaka tale e na vale ni soqo vata ga koya ka laga sere ni vanua tale ka vaka sara ga e ra sega ni cakava na vakacaca ni butako kei veivaks...

Stability & Reawakening by Elia Vesikula

VERSY MEDIA PRESENTATION By Elia Vesikula. 1. Topic; Stability & Awakening 2. Veivakataudeitaki kei na Veivakayadrati. 3.Me vakalagilagi na noda Kalou. E da vakavinavinaka taka na nodra dau tiko vata kei keda e na gauna ni so kalou vaka oqo. Me vaka na I vola nei Esira wase 3:11. 4. Ezra 3:11 5.With praise and thanksgiving they sing to the Lord: 6.“He is good;his love toward Israel endures forever.” 7.Esira 3:11 8."Sa vinaka ko IRA:…. na nodra loloma vei Isireli/keda na kawa iTaukei…. ena tudei tu ga ka sega ni mudu." 9.One of the best things about thankfulness is that the more you choose it, the easier it gets. The more you profess gratitude, the more you notice things to be grateful for. The thankfulness muscles respond to exercise! 10. E dua na ka vinaka duadua me baleta na vakavinavinaka… o ya ni levu ga ni nomu vakavinavinaka, na kena rawarawa na dau vakavinavinaka. 11. Na levu ga ni nomu vakavinavinaka, na levu ni nomu raica na veika mo vakavi...

Coconut cure for Alzaimers

In the United States, an estimated 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This figure is growing rapidly with the ageing population. One of them was Steve Newport. His wife, Mary Newport, was a doctor. Dr. Mary learned that her husband had severe Alzheimer's disease. When the doctor examined her husband at the hospital, he asked Steve to paint a clock. Instead, he drew a few circles and then drew a few figures without any logic. It was not like a clock at all!. The doctor pulled her aside and said: "Your husband is already on the verge of severe Alzheimer's disease!" It turned out that it was a test of whether a person had Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Mary was very upset at that time, but as a doctor, she would not just give up. She began to study the disease. She found out Alzheimers disease was associated to glucose deficiency to the brain. Her research says: "The dementia of the elderly is like having diabetes in the head ! Before...

Evil of drugs in our communities.

8/1/25 On our way to Suva with my grandson Tu, we distributed food to three families in one of the settlements in Lautoka. They are very very poor families living in tin houses with mud floor. One of the ladies was telling us the story of his son burning down their family home during the Christmas period. We had visted the grandmother and her 3 grand children just a few days before Christmas and prayed with her. We also met her 3 grand children with ragged clothes. When we visted again afrer new year their home was burnt to the ground. No one was injured. The son is addicted to ice and loses his mind some times and always fights and threatens to kill her mother. The grandma is a widow and about 70 years old and looking after his sons three children as they are her grand children and find it hard to abandon her grand children to there drug addicted father. We tell this story to encourage evryone to please to pray about this evil of drug in our communities. We ask families to ask for...