Brace Yourselves by Tony Alamo Ministries.
BRACE YOURSELVES by Tony Alamo: Alamo Christian Ministries Worldwide:P. O. Box 2948Hollywood: CA 90078 Any time now, a worldquake and a series of prophesied catastrophes will shockingly awaken the entire global population to a horrible, God-sent, unparalleled nightmare. Shortly after this event, two more disasters in the form of two large meteorites will follow, causing more destruction than many hydrogen bombs. One will smash into the ocean, destroying a third of it, including the life therein. It will actually turn the water to blood and, of course, destroy all life and every ship within its realm (Revelation 8:8-9). The second meteorite will barrel into and flatten a great part of an entire continent, polluting a third of the rivers and fountains, making them poisonous (Wormwood). Many men will die of these waters.2 Following this, an estimated two billion people—one-third of the earth’s population—will be killed by fire, smoke, and lava-like brimstone (Revelation 9:15-19). Once the...