The drug problem & Solution by Elia Vesikula

END TIMES Fiji:26/2/2025 The drug problem and solution. By Elia Vesikula The government is trying its best to solve the growing crisis of drugs and HIV & cases in Fiji and other social issues. There have been a lot of conferences and action to solve the problem but the issue is still escalating. We have not heard from those leading the fight against drugs that God can solve the problem. Let the Lord lead our fight, he has got a bigger and more powerful army than our police and army combined. We are relying on man's power and knowledge. I suggest we take the bible verse Chronicles 7:14 seriously and take the problem to God Jesus Christ. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ can solve the problem. Note the bible verse below. If people who are called by my name" is a phrase most commonly referencing the Bible verse Chronicles 7:14, which says "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I ...